23- Of Flowers And Apologies

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Lady Cora was trying not to look too excited but still couldn't hide her giddiness when she entered the Queen's bedroom. As requested by the Princess and based on the recommendations of her doctors and Lady Marian, the King decided to have Princess Maeina transfer to those chambers.

It has been a week since the incident in her former bedroom that traumatized her and eventhough she tried to hide it, we all knew that she still has not gotten over it, not even slightly.

"Your Highness..." The lady-in-waiting hastily curtsied. "You have got to see this!" She smiled widely, short of giggling in her excitement.

"What is it, Cora?" The Princess asked as she inspected the placement of the ornate marble top tea table from her old room that she asked to be moved there. The Queen's chambers was three times the size of her former bedroom so even if she moved the entirety of its contents, except for the bed which she refused to even look at, there would still be so much space.

"Flowers!" Lady Cora almost squealed.

"What are you so excited about? Have you not seen flowers in your life?" The Princess asked.

"Of course I have, Your Highness, just not this much. I mean more than the ones you receive on your birthdays that fill the entire courtyard." Lady Cora giddily clapped her hands together.

"Again? Gali, would you have the Royal Secretary or one of his aids come here as soon as possible? I would like to release a statement of gratitude to the citizens for their generous gifts and well-wishes for my health but I must request them to stop sending more. They have given too much and I do not wish to burden them anymore." The Princess told me.

Of course the public was not informed of what really caused the Princess's absense. They were just told "Her Royal Highness is not well enough to attend any public functions for a few weeks". After the announcement, the gates of the palace were flooded with gifts. People even stood by the fences and prayed for their beloved royal. The Crown Prince had to personally approach the gates and explain to them that there was nothing to worry about the Princess. The people left but the gifts kept coming.

I smiled at her from beside the table that we moved and bowed my head.

"Thank you, Gali." She smiled back as she placed a candle on the tea table.

I was about to leave the room when Lady Cora stopped me. "Wait. Don't do that. I mean you can do that but later." She turned to the Princess and explained. "Your Highness, the flowers are not from the citizens. This is different."

"Fine. Let's go since you can't stop grinning." The Princess chuckled.


We haven't even reached the bottom of the stairs when we saw the thick carpet of long-stemmed yellow roses in crystal vases that filled the spacious foyer, huge potted arrangements of the same flower lined the grand staircase. There was a narrow path that led to the open main doors that was also decorated by a yellow rose arch then the blanket of yellow roses continued to the entrance of the castle, down the steps and into the entire courtyard, the same flowers stretched on to the driveway.

Princess Maeina gasped as she continued downstairs and took in the magnificent gift that was laid out for her. "Who would do this?"

"I don't know, Your Highness, but whoever did this must be very kind, thoughtful and sweet." Lady Cora gushed.

"Don't trust everything you see." The Princess replied, being smart as always.

We didn't have to wonder long because just then the King, the Crown Prince, my father, Aidan and our cousin Desmond emerged from the conference room. The rest of the privy council followed but went on their way out of the castle. Whatever they were talking about earlier, they were still discussing when they went out.

"Father, what's all this?" The Princess asked, finally peeling the King's attention from what I could only guess was a political discussion.

"Maiena! My sweetheart." The King beamed as he hugged the Princess. "Come, mi piccolina, we have much to discuss."

Guessing that the flowers were from a new suitor, the Princess sighed. "Father, I don't think I have the energy to entertain a new suitor this soon."

At the mention of the Princess's suitors, I saw my brother's jaw clench. He may have told me about Her Highness's and his decision to stay friends but that doesn't mean he would stop being affected by discussions like this. He is but a man after all, no matter how strong and cold our father's training has made him to be.

"You don't have to, bellasita. Not yet. The council and I agreed to delay the courtships for a few months." The King said.

"What is this then?" Princess Maiena gestured to the flowers.

"An apology and a peace offering from the King of Etazuré."

"What?!" Princess Maiena gaped at her father.



Hmmm... The King of Etazuré reaching out to Reidonia? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Is it really a bed of roses or a Trojan horse (or rose)? 🤔

Let's find out together soon. 😊

Here's our prompt this chapter.

Here's our prompt this chapter

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Thank you for reading. Happy weekend!

Deng ❤

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