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Emma woke up to her sister shaking her

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Emma woke up to her sister shaking her. "Emma! It's time to get up!" Bella cried out. Emma groaned and pushed her sister out of her room. Emma hated today of all days. 'New school in the middle of the year sucks.' She thought. Emma walked to her closet and grabbed her an outfit before heading to the bathroom.

Bella heard the water running hoping that someone will bring her sister back. Emma was always the broken girl since their parents divorce. Bella was too, but the divorce didn't bother her as much as it did Emma."Emma in the shower?" Charlie asked as he made his way in the kitchen.

"Yeah." Bella replied. Charlie nodded as he grabbed his plate and started eating. Bella did the same.

"She's seems to finally look happy." Charlie replied. Bella nodded knowing that Emma was somewhat happy.
The twins arrived at the school and saw all eyes on them. "They have a staring problem." Emma pointed out. Bella looked at her sister and nodded.

"Agree." Bella said. The two heard the truck backfire. "Great."

"That's embarrassing." Emma pointed out. Bella nodded as the two climbed out. Emma walked off first with Bella a couple feet behind her. Emma found the office and Bella walked in behind them.

"You could have waited." Bella pointed out. Emma looked at her confused.

"I thought that you were behind me." Emma said in confusion. Emma wasn't paying attention when she bumped into someone. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She looked up to see a dirty blonde with green eyes. "I'm Stefan."

"Emma." She replied. "Umm... I need to get my schedule." She said. Stefan moves out of the twins way and left to find his 'cousins'. Emma and Bella made their way up to the desk. "Excuse us." The secretary turned to look at the girls.

"How can I help you two?"

"We're here to get our schedules." Emma said.


"Isabella and Emma Swan." Bella replied. The secretary smiled at the girls and went to get their schedules. She came back and handed them their schedules, locker number and combination, and a map.

"Here you girls go." She said and grabbed two slips. "Have all your teachers sign this slip."

"Okay." They replied.
Emma walked to her second period and smiled at the teacher. "Hello." Emma said the teacher smiled.

"You must be Emma." Emma nodded as the teacher signed the slip she had handed when the teacher noticed her. "I'm Mr. Molina and your seat is beside Mr. Salvatore." Emma nodded and walked to the empty beside Stefan who was shocked to see the girl from the office.

"Hi Stefan."

"Hello Emma." He replied. Something tells him that this girl might be the one. The two started listening to the lesson as Stefan kept looking at Emma as he listened. Emma smiled shyly as she felt his stare and knew she had a crush and he was the first one ever.
"So your new also?" Emma said. Stefan nodded. "Where are you from?"

"Mystic Falls." He responded.

"I'm from Phoenix." Emma tells him. "So why did you move?"

"Someone that I thought loved me went to my brother." Emma was shocked.

"You deserve better, Stefan."

"Why did you move?" He asked as they walked through the halls.

"We lived with our mother, but our step father travels a lot as a minor league baseball player. We decided to move her with our father." Emma said. Stefan noticed the sad look and knew her mother married their step father.

"You know something."

"What?" Emma asked.

"You want be sad forever, Emma." Stefan tells her. Emma smiled as they made it to the cafeteria.

"Thank you Stefan." She replied. "I don't think that I will be sad for long my self." Stefan smiled as they grabbed their lunch and found a table to their self. They talked about all different things, but didn't notice Bella or the Cullens watching them.

"She's the one you saw for Stefan." Edward asked.

"Yes." Alice said excitedly. "She will make him happy again and give him the love he deserves." Rosalie smiled.

"Will she be one of us or like him." Rosalie asked. Alice looked into her vision and saw Emma as both. Alice gasped as Edward was shocked.

"She's going to be a hybrid." Edward said.

"What does that mean?" Emmett asked.

"Emma will be both a cold one and a night walker, but I don't know what she will have more of." Alice replied. They must find out more about the hybrid. Stefan on the other hand was shocked. Emma will be a hybrid of both species. He smiled at a joke she told him and laughed. He felt complete with her.

 He felt complete with her

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