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Emma groaned as she arrived at school with Stefan

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Emma groaned as she arrived at school with Stefan. Stefan looked at his girlfriend knowing she rather be home. "I know." Stefan tells her as he kissed her. "We don't have long till graduation and than we can focus on our wedding and the babies."

"Okay." Emma said as she looked at her sister to see Bella leaving with Jacob. "Edward never told her." Stefan shook his head. "She just needs to cool down and she'll forgive him."

"Eventually." Stefan tells her making Emma smile.
Stefan went hunting with Jasper as Emma was working on the last bit of homework she had left. She saw Edward and smiled. "Bella isn't back?"


"I know she loves Jacob."

"Well Edward that part is on you when you left." Emma tells him. "She would have seen Jacob as a brother not the way she sees you." Edward nodded. "Jacob brought her back from her depression state and she started developing feelings for him, but when you came back, it confused things."

"Thank you Emma." Edward replies.

"Just know that she loves you." Emma replies as she walked in. Edward nodded knowing that Emma was right. Bella loves him more and plus if he didn't leave, Bella wouldn't have developed feelings for Jacob.
Emma was sound asleep at the Cullens since she was dozing off on her way there. She didn't know about someone being in her room or the situation at hand. "Emma needs to know." Bella tells them.

"Emma doesn't need to know nothing." Rosalie tells her with a glare. "She's pregnant Bella and she doesn't need to be put under any kind of stress because of you."


"Stefan, that is the love of your life carrying your babies." Rosalie cuts him off. "None of this wouldn't happened if Bella kept her nose out of our business." Bella was shocked by this. "Emma had rights as you don't have laws." Rosalie tells Stefan. "This is too much stress on Emma and I don't want to see her go through pain due to you." Rosalie said as she carefully picked Emma up and carried her to Stefan's room.

"She's right." Stefan tells them. "I'm not stressing her out over this." Stefan walked to his room leaving behind a shocked and hurting Bella who didn't see what she was doing to her sister,

"We need to protect them." Edward tells the others.

"I don't think Emma is the main target." Alice tells them. "I'll just keep watch on this so I'll know for sure." Bella nodded.

A few minutes later, Bella tells them that the pack can protect her since Stefan and his brother and friends will protect Emma. Edward hated that Bella was going around the pack, but it's the only choice.

 Edward hated that Bella was going around the pack, but it's the only choice

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