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Emma smiled as she looked in the mirror and smiled

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Emma smiled as she looked in the mirror and smiled. Emma and Stefan were going to watch the Cullens play baseball since Stefan was more of a football player. Emma was happy that she'll be spending time with her boyfriend. She walked down to see Charlie, Bella, and Edward. "Where's Stefan?"

"Stefan is outside getting a few things that you asked for." Edward said. Emma smiled as she ran to him. She opened the door and smiled at the bookshelf and dresser she had asked for.

"Thank you." She said kissing him.

"Anything for you." He said. Emma saw Charlie walk out with a smile and helped Stefan with the bookshelf and dresser.
Stefan and Emma sat down on a near by log and watched the Cullens play. "I'm enjoying this." She tells Stefan. "When will you play football for me?"

"Emmett has been planning a game for awhile so... probably soon." Stefan tells her. Emma stood up with him and walked with him through the woods not knowing about the three nomads showing up.

"What else can you do as a vampire?" Emma asked.

"Well, we can compel which you know since you wear a certain necklace that I gave you and we can also turn off our humanity." Stefan tells her.

"Why do I get this feeling that your humanity is hard to turn back on?" Emma asked. Stefan smiled at her.

"Cause it is." Stefan tells her. Before Emma could say anything Emmett's jeep appeared with a panic look one Edward's and Bella's face.

"We need to go." Edward tells them. Stefan and Emma didn't say nothing, but got in the jeep.
Emma stayed in her room trying to understand what she was told. James was after Bella. Stefan knew she was confused about what is going on and was glad she didn't hear what was said.

"What's going to happen?" Emma asked.

"First, their going to lead him away from Forks as we stay here. Second, Bella will be out long gone before he can find her. And finally," Stefan walked and kissed Emma, "you are safe and I love you."

"I love you." She tells him and he kissed her.
The next say, Emma heard that James figured out that he was tricked and on his way to find Bella. Emma tried to focus on her school work with Stefan as she tried to stay occupied. Charlie was happy that Emma stayed and wished Bella never said that.

"How about we go to prom?" Stefan asked. Emma looked at him.

"I don't have a dress." Emma said. Stefan stood up and took her book away. He held his hand out to her.

"Let's go get you one than." Emma smiled as she took his hand before leaving.
Sorry for the short chapter.

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