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The next day, Emma grabbed her diary and wrote down yesterday's events

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The next day, Emma grabbed her diary and wrote down yesterday's events. She felt complete after meeting Stefan Salvatore. Bella was happy that her sister felt complete and knew she was happy. Emma couldn't wait to get to school so she could see Stefan. "Ready Emma?"

"Yep." Was all Emma said. The girls grabbed their bags and left. "So, are you still confronting Edward for how he treated you?"

"Yes I am." Bella replied with a smile.

"I'll be with you all the way." Emma said as she held Bella's hand. Bella smiled as the two squeezed their hands in confront. ""I'll kick him where the sun don't shine if he doesn't properly apologize and give you a real explanation." Bella laughed and looked at Emma.

"I'll let you if he makes me mad." Bella replied. Emma smiled in victory knowing Bella would allow her to if she gets mad or upset.
Emma and Bella arrived at school and parked. "So, I finally wrote in my diary again." Emma tells Bella. Bella looked at her with a smile.

"That's great." Bella said. "I'm going to have to thanks Stefan for bringing you back." Emma blushed and Bella gasped. "Your blushing."

"Shut up!" Emma cried out as she got out. Bella laughed as she climbed out and watched Emma standing beside her. The two stood beside one another. Bella reading a book as Emma was studying for a test. Bella looked up to see the Cullens and Stefan arrive, but no Edward. Stefan saw Emma and walked over to her.

"Emma." Emma looked at her sister who elbowed her for attention. Bella nodded towards Stefan making Emma look. Emma smiled as she saw Stefan.


"Hey." He replied and hugged her. Emma smiled as she hugged him back making Bella smile. 'At least I want be completely upset with Edward's disappearance to see my sister happy.' Stefan looked at Bella and smiled. "I'm Stefan."

"Bella." The two shook hands and the bell rang.

"Let's go." Emma said as she walked away from Bella, who looked at the Cullens one last time before heading to class. "So where's Edward."

"His sick." Stefan lied to Emma, but Emma nodded.

"You lied, but it's none of my business. My sister wanted to know actually." Emma said making Stefan smile. "She's the curious one as I'm more patient."

"I can tell." He replied as they took their seat. "Hopefully she gets over her curiosity."

"She won't." Was all Emma said as her and Stefan turned their attention to the front.
Over the week, everyone at school knows about Stefan and Emma, even Bella. Bella was happy when her sister announced that her and Stefan got together as Stefan called and told Bonnie. Elena heard and was happy that Stefan got the love he deserved and so was Damon. Caroline was happy that Stefan found someone and so was Rebekah. Emma seemed to be a sweet girl.

Emma was standing with Bella as she had her headphones on reading a book she started to read when one headphone disappeared. "Good morning Emma." She looked to see Stefan and smiled.

"Hey."  Emma said as she took her headphone out and turned the mp3 off. She put the book in her bag and faced Stefan. "You didn't have to do that you know."

"I thought I get your attention that way instead of taking your book away." Stefan tells her. Emma smiled and hugged her. "Edward's back."

"Thank god." Emma said making Stefan laugh. Emma smiled at him as they made it to her locker.

"Bella can't be that bad." Stefan said. Emma gave him a look that said 'Bella drives you crazy from her curiosity'. "I'll take that back." Emma smiled and nodded. Stefan was glad that Emma was a missing piece in his life. She shut her locker and walked with Stefan. "I've told my friend Bonnie about you."

"What did she say?"

"I deserve someone like you." Stefan answered. Emma blushed and looked down. She has never been interested in a guy before, but Stefan changed that.
After school ended, Emma was walking with Bella who was upset with Edward again. "All I did was asked if he wore contacts. He didn't have to get all offended for what I said. A simple yes or no would have been easier."

"Agree." Emma said. "I'll kick his ass for you." Emma suggested with a innocent smile. Bella gave her a look making Emma pout. "Your no fun."

"Now enough about my drama. What about you and Stefan?"

Before Emma could speak, a van hit black ice losing control. Emma and Bella held hands as they prepared theirselves. Emma was thrown back as Bella felt a cold wrap around her waist and pull her down. Bella saw the hand stick out and put a big dent in the van as she looked to see Edward. Than she remembered, Emma. "Emma!"

"I'm fine!" Emma replied as she felt someone embrace her.

"Thank god your alright." Emma smiled as she turned around and hugged Stefan. The two looked back at the truck and knew Bella was suspicious and Emma wanted to know who had a strong enough force to push her out of the way.

 The two looked back at the truck and knew Bella was suspicious and Emma wanted to know who had a strong enough force to push her out of the way

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