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The weekend came and Emma was extremely nervous

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The weekend came and Emma was extremely nervous. This is her first time going on a date and just thinking about it didn't help. She smiled as she finally found the perfect outfit. She heard a knock and ran to answer it. Once she reached the door, she opened to see Stefan. "Hi." She said.

"Hey, are you ready?" Stefan asked. Emma nodded as the two walked towards Edward's car. "Before we go on this date, I like to take you somewhere so we can talk."

Stefan pulled the car off the road and got out with Emma doing the same. "We're walking?"

"Yep." Stefan said as he grabbed her hand and led her through the words to an clearing. Stefan released her hand as he walked to the sun. "Emma, when you asked what happened and not to lie, but I did." Emma nodded. "There is a reason why I have lied."

"What's the real reason than?" She asked. Stefan sighed knowing he can't back out.

"I'm a vampire." Stefan tells her. Emma just stood there.

"Was everything a lie so you could drink from me?" Emma asked hurting from the question she just asked.

"No." Stefan said as he grabbed her hand. "I fell in love with you Emma and I would never do nothing to hurt you." Emma smiled and kissed him. Stefan smiled into the kiss.

"I love you too." She replied. Stefan thought about what he should show her.

"See this ring." Emma nodded. Stefan took it off and handed it back to her. "That is a daylight and if I don't have it I'll burn in the sun." Stefan walked to the patch of light and stuck his hand out and started burning.

"Stefan!" Emma cried out. Stefan pulled his arm back in as Emma ran and gave him his ring back. "Don't ever do that again." Stefan smiled and kissed her.

"Let's go finish this date up."
Stefan and Emma were walking through the school yard as Stefan stopped. "What's wrong?"

"Bella is going to Port Angeles." Stefan tells her. "She claims to need to checkout a bookstore."

"Something tells me that it has to be about what Bella learned from the Rez yesterday." Emma reveals.

"That means she's close to finding out about me and the Cullens." Stefan pointed out. Emma sighed knowing that by tonight Bella will know and everything will change.
"Thanks for coming Emma." Bella said as the two walked out of the bookstore. Emma was confused as to how she was dragged into this mess. They walked through an alley, but stopped.


"I see them." Bella said. "Let's go back." Emma nodded and the two turned to head back to the way they came, but stopped to see another set of shadows. "Up the stairs." Emma and Bella took the stairs just to be surrounded by the frat boys from the dress store.

"Where are you two going?" One said.

"Hey, your the girls we've seen at the store." Emma didn't like what was about to go down. One grabbed Emma and threw her against the wall. Emma saw him walking towards her till a figure suddenly appeared.

"Back off." Stefan tells them as he lets his face changed making the guys run as Edward showed up to get the girls in his car. Emma and Stefan ran to the car and climbed in the back as Bella was in the front. They watched Edward glare at the frat boys before climbing in.
"Thank you." Emma said as her and Stefan ate. Stefan smiled at Emma.

"Your welcome." He responded. Emma smiled as Stefan sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist as they ate. "Bella is trying to figure it out still and Edward just gave her hints of what he is."

"Wow that's not smart." Stefan smiled at her as they continue to eat. The two smiled at one another and shared a kiss around the time Edward read Stefan's mind telling Bella that it was Emma he thought about. Bella looked and smiled as she saw the two kissing. Emma and Stefan smiled at one another before they continued to eat.


"Let's go home." Emma said yawning as her and Stefan caught up to Bella and Edward. Emma knew Bella will figure it out tonight and tell her in the morning.

 Emma knew Bella will figure it out tonight and tell her in the morning

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