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Emma and Stefan cuddled up on the beach enjoying the sun

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Emma and Stefan cuddled up on the beach enjoying the sun. They've decided to wait on the honeymoon till after the baby was born. "This is relaxing." Emma said. "No more battles or a crazy red head going after my sister."

"Everything is perfect now." Stefan replies kissing her head. "All we need now is for this one to come."

Emma smiled as she couldn't wait to meet her baby. The newly weds smiled as everything was perfect till Emma gasped at something wet. "Stefan."

"Yep." Stefan said as he gently picked her up and rushed them back to the car.
Bella listened to her sister screaming in pain. She hated knowing that her sister was in pain from child birth. Renee, Phil, and Charlie were there waiting. The Cullens and the Scooby gang sat and waited for the couple. After sixteen hours of labor, Stefan walks out holding a set of twins.

"Oh my." Renee said as she walked over and held one so stefan can hold the others. "How is she?"

"She passed out, but will wake up soon." Stefan replies. "His name is Damian and hers is Arabella Salvatore."

"Beautiful names for beautiful babies." Bella said as she held Arabella. Damon walked over and hugged his brother.

"Thanks for giving part of my name to him."

"Emma said he has a bit of devil in him and thought of you."

"I'm needing to talk to her now." Damon said as he held Arabella. Each one held the twins even when Emma woke up from her transition and completed it. She was the most happy to see her twins and kissed their heads. "Thanks for giving this handsome fella part of my name."

"Damian is going to be somewhat like you and Stefan so why not mix the names in a way. Damian is all I could think of so..." Damon smiled.

"Hey." Emma smiled as she saw her mom and husband. She kissed Stefan and hugged her mom knowing everything was going to be just fine.

Thank you all for reading Emma and Stefan's story. Emma and Stefan did go to the battle, but after learning nothing was going to happen the couple left again, but stayed in contact with the Cullens especially Emma and Bella. Damian met a girl named Liv and Arabella met a boy who is like Stefan in a way. So they lived together as one big family.

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