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Emma smiled as she woke up and made her way downstairs

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Emma smiled as she woke up and made her way downstairs. She saw her dad and smiled. "Happy birthday." Charlie said kissing her head. "There's your gifts."

"Thanks dad." Emma said as she walked over and started opening her's. "Bella already left?"

"Yep." Charlie said. "She wasn't to happy about the gifts."

"Dad, it's Bella." Charlie nodded as he heard a knock. "You can get that." Charlie nodded and walked to the front door to see who it was as Emma continued to open her gifts.

"Emma, Stefan is here." Emma smiled as she grabbed her bag.

"Coming." She said as she walked to the door. "Bye dad."

"Bye Emma."
Emma and Stefan walked hand in hand to Jasper to see Alice handing give Bella a bag. "Your going to play with her emotions?" Jasper looked at Emma with a smirk. "Good luck with that." Stefan chuckled as they watched Bella give in.

"Not fair changing my emotions." Bella said causing Emma to laugh.

"Told you so." Alice skipped over to Emma with a bag. Emma smiled as she took the bag. "Thanks Alice."

"Your welcome and I know your going to love yours." Alice said as her and Jasper left. Stefan laughed at the two as Emma looked in the bag.

"This is the perfect outfit for tonight." Emma said making Stefan see the dress and shook his head.

"Let's go to class."
Later that day, Emma smiled at the dress that Alice got her. Alice walked in and smiled. "You look beautiful Emma." Alice tells her.

"Thanks." Emma said as she walked downstairs to Stefan who smiled and kissed her head. The two waited for Bella to walk down, but smiled as Alice dragged Bella downstairs. "Can we open our gifts now?" Stefan laughed as Bella smiled at her sister.

Emma sat in one seat as Bella in the other. The twins started opening their gifts till they made it to the last one. Plane tickets to see their mom.m9thank you Esme, Carlisle."

"Your welcome Emma." Esme said at the same time Bella got a paper cut. Stefan grabbed Emma and vamped to the other side of the room as Jasper tried to get to Bella.
The next day, Emma and Bella went to school and saw no signs of their boyfriends or the other Cullens. Emma had a very bad feeling something was going to happen.
The two arrived at home to see Stefan and Edward. "Hey." Emma tells him as she walked up to him. "What's wrong?"

"We have to leave due to Carlisle looking 20 years longer than what he should be." Stefan said.

"Your leaving?" Emma said with tears in her eyes.

"Yes." Stefan said as his eyes started to tear up. "I'm sorry Emma."

"It's okay." She said as her the tears fall. Stefan was about to leave when Emma turned to face him. "Stefan, I will wait for you to come back to me." Stefan tried his best to keep it together. "I love you."
Stefan through his things around his room. He hated hurting Emma. He left her and she promised to wait. He couldn't do it. He walked down to see Edward. "I had to hurt the one I love for you, Edward and I don't think I can live with this pain."

Alice knew what he was doing. "Stefan! Don't!" The Cullens watched Stefan turned his humanity off.

"Goodbye Cullens." Stefan said as he vamped away to feed. The others looked at Edward with disappointment.

"Congratulations. Now we have a no humanity Stefan who will now be on a killing spree." Rosalie said. "I'll call his brother and tell him about Stefan." They nodded as Rosalie vamped away with Emmett in tow.
Damon hung up shocked and sighed. "Elena!" Elena walked in looking at him. "We need to Bonnie to do a locator spell."


"Stefan turned his humanity off because he broke Emma's heart." Elena gasped and nodded. The Scooby gang went to work on ways to get Stefan to turn it back on. They just didn't know the answer lies within Forks.

 They just didn't know the answer lies within Forks

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