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"Are you sure confronting him will work?" Emma asked as she stood by Bella with Stefan

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"Are you sure confronting him will work?" Emma asked as she stood by Bella with Stefan. Stefan had already explained himself to Bella even though he thought she didn't deserve it. Stefan had Emma in his arms as they watched Bella sigh.

"Yes." She replied.

"Is it worth it?" Emma asked again. Stefan understood that Emma was worried about her sister. Bella nodded and walked away as soon as she saw Edward. "I wondered if Edward is actually worth this."

"Who knows?" Stefan said as he lead Emma to their next class of the day. "Edward cares about Bella, but to me I think she fascinates him with her mind since he can't read her mind, but yours he can."

"Well." Was all Emma said.
The next day, Emma was helping her sister with washing the truck when the two heard a thump. They looked to see Edward. "Really?" Emma asked as Bella told him to act normal. Stefan stood by the tree making Emma look back. "At least Stefan isn't a show off like Edward."

"Hush." Bella replied.

"You two are invited to my house."

"Sure." Emma replies before walking over to Stefan. Stefan wrapped his arms around her in an embrace. Emma smiled before Stefan kissed her. "So when do I get to meet you witch friend Bonnie."

"Tomorrow." He said. "She wants to Skype since she's busy."

The next day came and Emma was excited. She gets to meet on of Stefan's friends. Edward stood outside as he waited for Bella and Emma to come out. He heard what Emma was saying and smiled. 'Emma isn't worried one bit about meeting my family or Stefan's friend.'

"We need to go!" Bella called out.

"I'll be right there!" Emma called out. Once she found the jacket she wanted to wear, she ran downstairs and to the door. "Now we can go." Bella smiled and rolled her eyes as they walked out the house.

"Are you nervous?" Bella asked.

"Nope." Was all Emma said as she walked to Edward's car. She got in the back as her sister got in on the passenger side and Edward on the driver side so they can go to school.
The next day came fast for Emma. She was watching a movie when Bella turned the tv off. "Hey!" Emma cried.

"It's time to go." Emma nodded as she grabbed her jacket and walked over to her sister.

"Next time I'm watching a movie, don't turn it off." Emma warns Bella. "Especially when it's at the good part." Bella laughed at her sister as they walked out the house. Emma saw Edward and looked back to Bella. "I see lover boy is picking us up." Bella blushed making Emma laugh.

"Shut up Emma!" Bella cried out as Emma made a run for it. Bella shook her head knowing her sister was a little childish. Emma climbed in the back as Bella sat in the front with Edward.

"Now can we go." Emma said. Edward laughed.

"Let's go." He responded. Emma was happy that they were leaving and couldn't wait to get there.
Emma was amazed by the house. "This was my dream home." Emma said. Bella smiled at Emma. "Well I have plenty of more where that came from."

"Of course you do." Bella replied. Emma looked at Bella with a smirk and walk right on in and into Stefan's arms.

"Before you meet the other Cullens, Bonnie would like to meet you."

They walked into the living room and Emma sat beside Stefan as he called Bonnie. Bonnie answered, but they saw everyone even down to Elena. Stefan gave a look to Bonnie who looked like she didn't have nothing to do with this.

"I thought this meeting was only for you Bonnie."

"It was, but Caroline found out and told Elena and Damon. Damon wanted to see his brother happy again. And Elena wanted to meet the girl who has made you happy in the pass couple of months." Emma looked at Stefan unwary about this. She didn't know Stefan had actually fallen in love with her and doesn't care about Elena. Stefan noticed the look on Emma's face and hugged her.

"I don't love Elena, Emma. I haven't been in love with her after I realized that we were never meant to be. I'm in love with you Emma Swan." Emma smiled at Stefan as did the others.

"Can I say something?" Stefan nodded as Emma looked back at Caroline. "You know everything and yet, you still had to show up on a video chat."

"How do you know Caroline?" Bonnie asked.

"Long story short, she's my best friend." Caroline smiled.

"How's Bella?" She asked.

"Getting introduced to her boyfriend's family." Emma replied.

"That's good, but you tell Edward that if he hurts Bella, I'll kill him." Emma laughed as Stefan looked at Caroline.

"She'll beat you to that." Stefan said.
"I had a great time talking to everyone." Emma said as her and Stefan sat out on her porch.

"Esme really loved you." He said.

"I love your friends and the Cullens." Emma tells him. Stefan looked at Emma and kissed her.

"I love you, Emma Swan."

"I love you, Stefan Salvatore."


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