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Damon heard Stefan woken up and pulled over

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Damon heard Stefan woken up and pulled over. He opened the truck as Stefan glared. "Let me go." He said. Damon laughed and shook his head.

"This killing spree your on is hurting Emma." Damon tells him. He noticed a flicker of emotions in Stefan's eyes when he said Emma Swan's name. "Yeah, she's worried about you."

"Like I care." Stefan said. "Emma is history." Damon rolled his eyes and came up with an idea.

"Well I guess you wouldn't mind me drinking from her than." Stefan glared as Damon smirked knowing he'll just have to torture Stefan all the way back to Forks.
Emma still hasn't talked and her family and friends are beginning to worry. Elena has heard that he has been stopping every now and than to torture Stefan and snap his neck. Elena felt her phone ringing and knew who it was. "Where are you?" Elena asked as Alice walked in.

"We are actually on our way to Emma's house." Damon said. "Go on ahead and tell Emma the plan."

"Okay." Elena said as she hung the phone up. Alice looked at them trying to understand what is happening. She saw Bella dying and came to find out, but doesn't know why Emma's friends are there. "Emma, we need you to put the Gilbert ring on."

Emma looked up confused. "Why?" Emma asked. For the first time in months Emma Swan has spoke.

"We need to kill you to get Stefan to turn his humanity back on." Caroline said. "Your our only hope."

"Okay." Emma said as Bonnie put the ring on. "So who has Stefan?"

"Damon." Was all they said.

"When will they arrive?"

"Soon." Bonnie tells her.
Four hours later, Alice, Elena, Emma, Caroline, and Bonnie heard Damon and Stefan. Emma stayed in the center of the room when Stefan and Damon walked in. Emma had tears in her eyes as she saw Stefan. "Stefan?"

Stefan looked at Emma. Everyone in the room saw a flicker of emotions. "Why am I here?" He asked in a bored tone. "Wait. Your hoping Emma is my humanity." Stefan chuckled. Damon looked at Stefan.

"So you wouldn't care if I did this." Damon asked as he bit into Emma's neck. Emma whimpered in pain.

"No." Stefan replied.

"Okay than." Damon snapped Emma's neck just as Bella walked through.

"Emma!" Bella said as she ran to her. Stefan turned his humanity back on and vamped to Emma.

"Emma." He said with tears. "Please baby, wake up." He cradled her as he looked at Damon. "Why did you kill her?"

"It was the only way to get you to turn it on." Elena said, but smiled. "Look on her finger." Stefan looked and saw the Gilbert ring. Emma woke up with a gasp.

"Oh my god." Bella hugged her sister as Emma looked at Stefan.

"Your back."

"I'm back."
Everyone left to do their own thing. Emma sat in her room when Stefan walked in. "Hey." Emma looked at him and smiled.

"Hey." Emma replied.

"I'm sorry for leaving." Stefan said as he grabbed her hand. "I love you so much."

"I love you." She replied. Than she remembers what happened earlier. "I'm your humanity."

"Yes you are." He replies as he kissed her. Emma smiled into the kiss as they laid back on her bed. Stefan broke away and looked at her. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." She replied as she pulled him back down to her. Emma and Stefan made up for those times missed together as they showed their love for each other.

 Emma and Stefan made up for those times missed together as they showed their love for each other

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