Meeting pt.1

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** Philip's POV **
As I jump off the school bus I see all the girls staring at me. George jumps off behind me and says "They're helpless for you! You're so lucky you know. You always get the girl"
"Yeah..." I respond unsure. The truth is I hate all this. The girls. The popularity. The wealth and fame. I know that sounds like a dream life but I wish my life was just...normal. I can't help being popular and rich and famous, I was born into it! My pa, Alex loves the fame and fortune because he knows what it's like without it but at least mom understands. She was born into as well and knows how hard it is.

"Hey babe!" Lucy shouted from across the field. I slowly walked up to her and when I got there she gave me a kiss. She demanded that I pick her up and twirl her around for a good Instagram pic which one of her many 'BFFs' took for her.1000 pictures later, my arms ache and I have to make an excuse to leave. Me and her have been boyfriend and girlfriend for ages now. In elementary, the Easter dance was coming up and everyone in the school made us ask each other out. I thought it'd be a bit of fun for one dance but little did I know It'd spiral into an inescapable mess. I don't love her but if I told her that she would go insane! Also, her father Thomas Jefferson and my pa are only civil to one another because of us two. If I'd stop they'd probably full blown kill eachother!

The day went by like any other. Girls staring. Football practice. Boring classes, except today I had poetry. No one knows I love poetry because if I told them I would probably get bullied by some of my closest friends. However, today was a tad bit different. I bumped into a girl. While I ran away from Lucy pretending the football coach needed to see me, I ran into this girl. I never noticed her in class but she's in most of my classes! BUMP! All her books fell to the floor so I tried to help pick them. "Sorry! I didn't see you" I said after kneeling down and getting her books. "It's ok. It happens a lot..." She replied timidly.

After all the books were saved from the mud I looked up. Our eyes met. She had the most beautiful blue eyes and pink lips to compliment to soft dark skin. Her hair flowed in the wind. I couldn't help but think how beautiful she was. "What's your name?" I asked. "Theodosia. But that's a mouthful so you can call me Theo" she replied and giggled nervously. We both laughed at that. Beautiful and funny! The perfect girl. "I'm Phillip Hamilton" I responded. "I know. I think everyone knows who you are. Oh, ummmm I-I-I gotta go" she ran off in a hurry. I stood up and turned around to see Lucy behind me in the middle of a death stare. I'm in so much trouble.

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