After The Dance pt.2

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(Don't read this if you're a kid or innocent, it's not actually that bad but still)
** Theo's POV **
After the dance I didn't feel well. I'd never had a big amount of alcohol before last night and I wasn't myself at all. But Me and Pip had a slow dance which felt amazing! I snuck over to Pip's house after the dance because his house is closer than mine...and maybe one other reason... Anyway, Mrs.Hamilton caught us at the door and questioned us. Luckily, she didn't mind seeing me too much. We ran up to his room, him more tipsy than I. Without thinking, I took off my poofy ball gown, I didn't have much underneath the dress but I was drunk Ok!? Pip put on his pyjama trousers on on the other side of the room. I unpinned my hair and jumped into bed with Pip. He ran his finger through my hair and we kissed for half an hour straight! We both fell asleep straight after that

I woke up with my head on Pip's chest and ran to the bathroom to get dressed. "How could I do this!?" I whispered to my self. "Dad's gonna kill me! We only made out so I can't be pregnant. He would definitely kill me then" I whispered quietly. I heard Pip wake up in the bedroom and ran over to him "Pip! How were we so stupid!? Dad's gonna kill me! And what will your mum think!? I've gotta go!" I whispered ranted at him.
"Who-who-whoah calm down Theo! I love you and you love me right?" I nodded in agreement, trying to calm myself down. "We were drunk okay? And we only kissed. There are no consequences to that. I'm sure your dad won't kill you, just tell him you were at Kitty's house or something. I don't know. And my mum thinks your polite and sweet and clever and kind so she couldn't ever hate you! Calm down, we'll be ok" he reassured me then went to hug me. He kissed my forehead before I tidied up my hair and headed downstairs with Pip practically dragging me down. I insisted on going down the window, but he refused. Fair enough.

As I was being dragged down the stairs I saw the door ahead of me. All I needed to do was get out. "Philip Hamilton! Don't you dare leave this house!" We heard Eliza shout from the kitchen. "Hi mom..." he said while we slowly turned around to face her. She covered William's ears and looked around making sure no kids were around. "Did you *cough* *cough* last night? Because Philip Hamiton, if you did you are in but trouble!" She whispered. "N-no mom we didn't. I wouldn't!" He quietly protested. She gave him a stern look "And thats the truth mom! And I'm sorry I was a pain in the a-- butt last night" he apologised. I though it was my time to apologise as well. "I'm very sorry Mrs.Hamilton. I was very stupid last night" I apologised while looking down at my feet. "It's ok Theo, I won't tell your father you were here last night if he calls. Don't worry" she said. Pip apologised one last time before he walked me home. We got to the start of my street. "You should probably head back now, I don't want dad to see me and you together" I giggled. He kissed me and left for his house. We texted for the rest of the day!

"Hey Dad! I'm home!" I shouted while opening the wooden door.
"Theo! There you are! I was worried!! Where were you!?" He panicked while walking towards with his arms outstretched ready to hug me. "Sorry Dad, I was Kitty's house cause I was super tired after the dance" I apologised, even though that was not true at all. "So how did the dance go?" He asked.
"Well" I said "Guess who was Easter Queen!?" I shrieked.
"I'm so proud of you. So, uh who was Easter King?"
"Philip" I said
"Oh, Hamilton. Well at least you're happy...and happy" he said while we hugged. I ran up to my room to have a shower and get dressed into something that isn't a ball gown.

Me and Kitty met at a café and fantasised about last night. Kitty told me that George's parents weren't home so she spent the night there! And they got a little bit naughty... at least me and Pip weren't the only ones. We talked and talked over 4 different drinks until we decided to go over to my house. Dad was out so we had the house to ourselves! We had a girly chat and then the serious question came up "Sooo...about last night. There's no way you're pregnant right?" I asked. "Well, I don't know" Kitty said. "Well you know what you gotta do right!? Take a pregnancy test! Just to make sure!" I whispered. "But I don't wanna know!"
"It's better to know, you know"
"Fine" she gave in.
We went to the bathroom and got the test out of the cabinet. I waited outside for Kitty to finish. "Ok done" she said from inside the bathroom.
"It says we've got to wait five minutes" I said while skimming the instruction. The five minutes felt more like five hours!
"It's ready!!" I screamed.
"I don't want to look. You look for me" Kitty said
"K, I'll look" I turned the test over and saw just one line. I took a sigh of relief then showed Kitty. "Thank God!!!!" She screamed. After 5 minutes of sighs of relief I said "Could you imagine!"

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