Meeting pt.2

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** Theo's POV **
Today was great! Other than the fact that I might be killed by Lucy in school tomorrow but, finally Phillip noticed me! I know I shouldn't have a crush on him because of his girlfriend but how could I not!? Theodosia Hamilton, does that not sound perfect? "Have a good day at school Theo!!" Dad said. I grabbed my bag from the back of the car, I had an exam today so I had so many books to carry! "Thanks dad. Love you, Bye!" I closed the car door and walked to the front of the school. I insist that Dad drops me off at the back of the school. I can't let anyone know how overprotective my dad is of me.

As I'm struggling to carry all my books, I walk across the field to meet my best friend Kitty. Only Kitty knows that I have a massive crush on her cousin Phillip and she doesn't approve. She says he's kinda snobby but that can't be, he's so cute! The thought of Philip's mirage of freckles and curly brown hair flooded my brain. I can't help it! BUMP! A guy bumped into me and my books flew everywhere! Most of them are covered in mud but the guy manages to save some. We scramble to the floor to pick up the rest of the books and papers. He says " Sorry! I didn't see you" I recognise that voice I thought. "It's ok. It happens a lot..." I replied before looking up and letting our eyes meet. It was Phillip!

His smile widened and so did mine. His hazel eyes and freckles were mostly being covered by his long brown hair in the wind. He asked for me name and I replied flustered because I didn't think he'd care enough to want to. I didn't plan for this! "Theodosia. But that's a mouthful so you can call me Theo" I replied quickly. He told me his name even though I already knew that and everything else about him but I didn't listen to him because a figure approached us, she stood directly behind Phillip and death stared me.

The tip of her finger slowly rose to her neck. She dragged her nail across her neck in the universal sign of death. I'm in so much trouble. "Oh, ummmm I-I-I gotta go" I said before running off to see Kitty before I got killed!

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