College pt.1

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~ Time skip a month ~
** Philip's POV **
I grabbed my bag from my bed as pops shouted from the car outside "Come on Philip! We're going to be late!"
"Coming!" I replied with while bolting down the stairs. I got into the cramped mini van because the rest of the kids were already strapped in. On the way there, William was singing "the wheels on the bus go round" the whole way to the school and I was so thankful to be able to escape the repetativeness. I helped unload the van of our small army and I put William on my shoulders before we began walking to the main hall. I can't wait to get our results! I'm crossing my fingers that we all get into King's College. I want to go there because that's where pops went and I want to be just like him but bolder! With Will on my shoulders, I entered the gigantic hall and spotted Theo's head in the sea of people. I whisper-shouted to her and she poked her head up, saw me and smiled. Mr.Washington was about to start speaking on the stage so we quickly took our seats.

"I'd like to start by thanking everyone for being here. I'm pleased that so many young people want to peruse their dreams and get a higher education at the college of their choice" there was a short break for applause then he started speaking again. "I can see many familiar faces like Thomas Jefferson" he stood up and everyone applauded him "Marquis de Lafayette" more applause "James Madison" applause "Hercules Mulligan" further applause "and of course, Alexander Hamilton" Mr.Washington nodded his head to pops as he stood to receive a loud and cheerful applause. There was one "boo", that being from Jefferson of course. Now that he won't get my father's vote, they're back to being rivals. Mr.Washington droned on for a while longer until he said the magic words "Well, I think that's enough from me. Let's give out the letters!" He finally said. Most schools around here don't do this event but ours is a private school and we have a special evening to receive our results! A few of the teachers walked around and handed out the letters to hopeful parents and children. I got mine and looked up at Mom and Pops. They both looked so proud of me even though they didn't know the results yet. I love my family, even after pops' affair, he at least *tries* to make an effort. I carefully opened the closed envelope and took out the letter inside. After unfolding the important letter, I began reading.

"I GOT IN!!!" I shouted full of excitement.
"That's my boy!" Pops said. He hugged me and said into my ear "I knew you would, I'm so proud you, you know" I started crying because I haven't heard Pops say that in a long time.
"Let me give my son a hug!" My mom said, also crying. She cuddled me tight and after a minute she let me go from her tight embrace. I picked up Will who was clapping his hands and whirrled him around the room. The rest of the kids congratulated me, especially Angie who told me she didn't want me to leave. I didn't want to leave my loving family either but "it's the next chapter of my life and I can always visit!" I convinced them. I ran over to Theo who was also happy so I assumed she got in to a good college. I ran up to her and kissed her on the lips. Her dad was there but I don't care. I love her so much and that's what matters. "Where are you going?" I asked after letting her out of the kiss-hug combo. "King's!" She shouted.
"And me!!!" I shouted back. We hugged and kissed for ages until her Dad interrupted us. He cleared his throat and began talking. "Congratulations Philip, I'm very happy for you" he shook my hand so I replied with "Th-thank you Mr.Burr a-and don't worry about your d-daughter, I'll take good care of her" I assured him. I grabbed Theo by the hand and dragged her to my family. Mr.Burr followed us and when I got there George, Kitty, their parents and Mr.Washington were all talking to my family. We grabbed Kitty and George out of the probably boring conversation and asked them the important question. "Did you get in?" I squealed. They frantically nodded their heads then Theo asked "Where!?"

"KING'S!" They screamed in unison. We danced around like little kids when they're excited and finally cooled ourselves down enough to talk to Mr.Washington. He congratulated us and ruffled my long curly hair. He asked us about the courses we'd be taken so I replied with "Poetry, English Literature and Law". George said "I'll be taking Law, Politics and History".
"What course are you girls taking?" He asked
"I'm taking health and social care, biology and child care"
"I'm taking textiles, art and History!" He seemed very impressed. I want to be a poet, George wants be a lawyer or politician. Theo wants to be a nurse or midwife and Kitty wants to be a fashion designer like 'Coco Channel' she says. We talked like adults for a while until the little kids got bored and started nagging Mom. She asked me to take them outside and I happily accepted. I picked up Will and put him on my shoulders, grabbed the kids bag and held John's hand to walk outside. Theo, Kitty, George and the rest of the kids followed me to the woods where we found a large tree stump to sit on. The kids began playing tag but Will sat on my lap and played with my brown ringlets.

We talked without any interruptions until I saw a figure approaching us. This woods wasn't renowned for being the safest place, I knew I shouldn't have brought the kids here! He had something in his hands that I couldn't see until the figure was closer. When be was about 20 foot away, he showed his weapon, A GUN! He began running towards us at full speed so I grabbed Will and put him on my shoulders, I shouted "RUN!!!" And grabbed John. I carried him like a sack of potatoes in one arm and had James in the other. I began running for my life towards the school. I looked back and the guy started shooting! What did he want from us!? Will, John and James were all sobbing and everyone else was running behind me. Theo grabbed AJ by the hand and was running as fast as she could. I saw Angie's face behind her flowing hair, it looked so scared. We carried on running and I saw the gate to the school get closer and closer "Almost there!!" I shouted in desperation.



I felt my body go limp, the world turned dark around me. I fell to the grass ground and that was it.

A/N btw I'm not really getting much enjoyment out of writing anymore which is sad but I don't want to force myself to do something I don't enjoy so I'll be deleting Wattpad from my phone. But don't worry because I will finish their adventures in high school.
I was planning on doing them go to college then their life after college but oh well. Here would be the couples just so you know.
Philip Hamilton x Theodosia Burr
Georges de Lafayette x Catharine Church
Lucy Jefferson x Susan (Sukie) Reynolds (Maria's daughter!)
Hope you enjoy the next few chapters as they'll be my lastXx

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