Double Date!

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~ time skip a few weeks ~
** Theo's POV **
I wasn't feeling great but didn't want to disappoint everyone by cancelling our double date so I decided to text Pip.
T: Hey Pip. I'm super sorry, I'm not feeling great and not really in the mood for a posh dinner out. Still up for a picnic or something similarXx
P: Ok my love. Don't worry about itXx I'll re-arrange and pick you up at 2Xx
T: Thank you. MwahXx
We texted back and forth for 20 mins until I almost fainted. So that was was the end of the conversation. I decided not to do any make up because I wasn't in the mood, I slipped my hair back into a quick messy bun and got dressed into some jeans and an old jumper Pip gave to me. Before I knew it was 2 and there was a knock in the door. "Theo" Dad said
"Mhm. What is it?" I asked
"Be safe ok?"
"Don't worry, I will!"
"Where exactly are you going and who with?"
"My friends, to...I don't know where yet" I replied
"Which friends and what do you mean you don't know where you're going yet!?"
"I'm going on a double date with Philip and Kitty and George: my friends! And Philip is surprising me!" The door was knocked again so I dashed off, mostly to get out of the argument. "Bye Dad! Love you! I'll text you for when I'm coming back" I shouted
"Bye Princess"
I opened the door to see an impatient Pip
"What took you so long!?" He asked jokingly
"Dad" I replied while rolling my eyes.

I shut the door behind me and walked with Pip to wherever we were going. Apparently Kitty and George were meeting us there so we had roughly 10 minutes alone to talk. We mostly talked about how our Dads are annoying. That's something that we definitely have in common. Mine has been over protective ever since we lost mom, probably because he doesn't want to lose me too and his Dad hasn't been involved with the family much since his affair. I feel for Eliza, she has to look after 6 kids more or less all on her own! We walked to the nearest park with our hands around each other's waists. When we arrived, just under a beautiful oak tree there was a picnic blanket with a banquet of sandwiches, pasta, salad and cakes! Pip has really out done himself for such short notice!
"BOO!" Shouted Kitty and George trying to scare us as they jumped out from behind the tree. I ran and hugged her because it felt like we hadn't seen eachother in ages, even though it was only Friday when I last her... which was two days ago. We sat down and talked and talked and ate and ate until we we'd had enough. We lay with our backs on the picnic blanket, watching the clouds and talking.
"So are we gonna send our applications today? I've brought mine just in case" George asked
"Oooh yeah! I've got mine!" Kitty joined in
"I brought mine too! Have you got yours Theo?" Pip said while looking at me
"No I don't" I replied. Everyone sighed
"Blame Pip! He didn't tell me to bring it! How was I supposed to know!?" I shouted while playfighting with Pip as if he'd done something wrong, which in pretty sure he's incapable of doing. "But guys my house is like 10 minutes away. I can grab it!" I offered
"Sure" they said while nodding

We got to the house and I ran upstairs to grab the small envelope from my desk. "Got it!" I shouted from the stairs. We walked to the nearest post office and one by one kissed the envelopes for good luck and put them in the post box. Now all we had to do was wait for it to come back with our results! I hope we get in to King's College together or even better, Princeton! While leaving, we saw Lucy walk in with an envelope in her hands. She tried to cover her face with her hair and by looking away but Kitty decided to start talking to her "Oh hi Lucy! I didn't see you there! Why are you here? I thought you weren't going to college" she said. That's brave! I wouldn't even think of doing that. Though she is Angelica Schuyler Church's daughter- the famous woman who scared Thomas Jefferson! I guess the Schuyler Church family aren't scared of the Jeffersons! "Oh hi! Uhh, I..." she stuttered then fell to the floor and started sobbing! "Lucy! What's wrong!?" I asked and went to help her up. "Why don't we give in your letter and go to my house for a chat?" I asked
"Y-yeah please" I managed to hear through her sobs. I turned to put her letter in the box and caught a glimpse of Pip looking at me and rolling his eyes. I know he hates Lucy and I don't really like her but it's the kind thing to do, you never know what happens behind closed doors. We slotted in her letter then walked to my house. I grabbed 5 diet cokes on the way upstairs to my room and chucked them onto the bed.

"So, do you want to talk about it Lucy?" I asked

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