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** Lucy's POV **
I was about to put my application in the post office when I bumped into Philip, Theo, Kitty and George! Kitty began speaking to me but I couldn't keep in all the tears I'd stored up for the last 17 years. I broke down in the middle of the street but Theo took pity on me. I don't know whether it'll be to embarrass me later or whether she's genuinely kind but she took me to her place. My low cut majenta crop top was now soaking wet with tears so Theo let me borrow one of her less revealing tops. It was so much more comfortable than the stuff father makes me wear. And it was yellow, my favourite colour! I have to wear magenta loads because it's part of father's 'brand'. He honestly makes me sick!

"So, do you want to talk about it Lucy?" Theo asked
"Sure, I've got nothing to hide now" I laugh-sobbed. I started fiddling with her blanket and began talking. "So, I actually hate my Dad. Like a lot. He makes me wear disgusting outfits that are super sexy and I hate it. I'm self conscious about my shoulders and he doesn't care. My favourite colour is yellow, not magenta but he makes me wear it because it's part of his ' 'brand'. I hate being popular and didn't want to date you Philip, Father forced me to so that your father would give him the vote in the election next year. And he doesn't want me to go to college but I'm actually quite clever and do want to go to college. And I'm sick and tired of being popular and horrible to people!" I said bluntly while I sobbed. When I looked up from the blanket I was playing with, everyone's faces were in shock. Then Theo fixed a caring smile and put her hand on mine. I smiled back through my tears. Kitty passed me a tissue and I dried my face. George put his hand on my shoulder and Philip was still sat the furthest away from me. He was last to forgive me and I don't blame him. He put his arm around Theo and rested his hand on my shoulder. "Thanks guys" I sobbed. "I don't expect you to forgive me at all because I know I've been a horrible person to you all"
"It's ok" Kitty said

After that, we just talked for ages and ages! We played truth or dare, never have I ever and two truths and a lie. I felt so at ease! I didn't think I had to look amazing and make sure to sit up straight or in a flattering position, I just felt like I could be myself, my true self. And that felt really good. The only problem was that I couldn't be friends with them. For multiple reasons.
1. I'm not in any of the same classes as them because I was never and still not allowed to be smart.
2. I'm popular and would probably get bullied if I was friends with them and not dress all sexy all the time. And worst of all
3. My father would *kill* me!! Or disown me, at least! I realised these problems that night and cried my self to sleep. What did I do to deserve this kind of life!?

We met up the next day at George's house. That's the only place we could go because if someone saw us in public everyone in the school would know about it. We couldn't go to Theo's house as her dad was working from home and same for my father. Even though he never comes out of his office, he still might catch us and I can't take that risk! Couldn't go to Philip or Kitty's houses because they're families probably hate George's house it is! We opened the door to my only family here in America other than father, then Uncle Lafayette shouted "Hey Geroges! Petit Lion" he said while tipping his head to Philip. I was wondering why Lafayette called him that. I didn't have time to ask him as we rushed upstairs to his bedroom. I explained to them why I couldn't be friends with them and I started crying. I didn't think I would because we only really became friends yesterday, but I feel so attached to them. It's probably because they're the nicest friends I've ever had...

We devised a plan. If I got into college, I could move out! And I'd be eighteen soon, so old enough to legally make my own decisions! And for the time being I'd have to cope with living in hell for a little longer. We mutually agreed to meet outside of school on a regular basis like normal friends but still pretend I hated them. I knew I couldn't bully them but I talked badly about them about them to my fake friends to make it seen that we still hate eachother but I'd always secretly smile at them when I passed them in the hallways. I'm glad I've got someone to have trust in. The only person up until now that I could trust was Ms. Ellen and she's my servant. She's like a mom to me to be honest. But now I have someone my age to trust

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