College pt.2

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** Theo's POV **
I can't wait to get the results!!! The only thing I'm worried about is if we get separated. I don't want to lose Kitty, she's been my best friend since elementary! And George is hilarious and super nice. And obviously Pip, I don't think I'd cope without him. Anyway, I jumped into the car and we drove to the school. We left insanely early because Dad wanted to ask some of the teachers that were going to be there what they though of me and how I was doing in school and stuff like that. So we arrived at school an hour early and saw Mr.Washington. They talked for ages so I decided to tuck myself away in a corner and read the book I brought. Finally, the hall slowly started to fill with people so Dad got us 'the best seats' near the front. I kept checking behind me to see if Pip came. I knew he would be coming because his father is very ambitious, to say the least and his mother is so kind, she wouldn't want him to miss the opportunity. While I waited for Pip, I saw Lucy Jefferson and her vile father, Kitty and her parents and George with his parents. But no Pip. Mr.Washington looked as if he was about to start speaking until I heard the creaky hall door open. First in was Pip! With little Will on his shoulders! I can't believe Pip is so good with kids. I can't wait to start a family with him! And it works out great! I could be the working parent as I want to be a midwife and Pip the stay at home dad who writes and published poems from home! These adorable visions of baby Pips and Theos running around was cut short when Pip whisper-shouted my name. I smiled at him and blew him a quick kiss before Mr.Washington began to speak. He spoke for a while and I kind of zoned out until I saw the teachers walking around and handing out small white envelopes.

I received mine rather quickly and started to open it. Before I saw the result, Dad put his hand on mine and said "You know Theo, your mother would be so proud of you. I wish she was here to see how much of an amazing making young woman you've become"
"She can see us, remember? She's watching down on us now. I just wish she was down here with us" I said
"I know. Me too. Now open that letter and make your mother proud" he said while balancing tears on his waterline. I nodded my head in agreement and quickly read the first line of the long letter. "I got into King's!!" I screamed with excitement. I jumped up to hug Dad and started dancing around like a child in a candy store. After a while Pip ran over to me and kissed me! That's not the first time we kissed but I was the first time in front of my Dad! But God he's a good kisser! He asked me where I got in to and I replied with "King's!!" And he got in too! Dad cleared his throat and I was worried he'd say something horrible to Pip but he kept civil and just congratulated him! I was so proud of him putting his feelings aside to be kind.

Pip took me to where his family was and we saw Kitty and George. They got into King's too!!! All of  my worries left my body and I could finally just be excited for college! The Hamilton kids got a bit bored with the boring conversation and asked if they could go outside. We took them to the woods and just talked and talked. The kids played tag and ran around the trees around us. Everything was fine until I saw a figure approaching us. He was wearing something dark so I couldn't make out the gleaming object he had in his hands. I looked worriedly to Pip and then to Kitty. The figure was coming closer and closer when about 20 feet away he showed the object, a gun!!! I was mortified and so was Pip. Then the figure stated running to wards us! Pip took Will from his lap and placed him on his shoulder. He grabbed John and James so I took AJ's hand. Everyone started running for their lives. I was so scared not only for my life but everyone I love's lives! The figure started shooting his gun and with one


Phillip fell to the floor. He started muttering "th-th-the k-kids" I took Will and passed him to Kitty. I grabbed John and James and handed them to George. The blood poured from Pip's  leg quickly. I had to act fast, I pulled off the my jumper and wrapped it around Pip's wound. I shouted to them "RUN!!" they took off in hopes of not getting shot but George stayed back to carry Pip. He hurled him over his shoulder and we started running again. We finally got to the school and everyone was sobbing. I guess they've never been traumatised before... We ran to the hall where everyone's parents were still talking. I slammed open the door and screamed "PIP WAS SHOT!" George came in with Pip on his shoulder and Eliza started freaking out. Alexander kept a cool head and Eliza, Alexander, Pip, Angie and me jumped into the van. I made sure to keep pressure on the wound while Alexander sped to the hospital. Eliza was in the front seat and kept looking back at Pip. I made sure that the Hamilton kids were looked after by their aunt Angelica, I didn't want them to see their brother like this. Even I couldn't help but sob at the fact that Pip was in pain.

In the hospital, Pip had to go in for surgery! That 2 hours was the longest 2 hours of my life other than when Mom passed. Alex was pacing the hospital halls and Angie just cried into my shoulder. I could tell Eliza wasn't handeling it well. She seemed insanely calm on the surface considering that her son was shot in the leg but I she kept biting her fingernails and tapping her foot in the floor. But I did what I could and comforted the family. After 2 painful hours of sobbing and now a wet shoulder, a nurse came up to us and said "The surgery went well and Philip is now recovering in room 51" We thanked the kind nurse and rushed up to room 51. Inside was a slightly drugged up yet still weak Pip. We sat with him for the whole evening and he kept asking us "Are the k-kids ok?" There was still a kind of fear in his voice. "They're amazing Pip. You saved them!" I smiled. "Good" he replied. I can tell that nothing matters more to him than his family. Soon, Dad came to pick me up and take me home. I said goodbye and Eliza thanked me for my quick thinking and care for Pip and the kids. Pip was in hospital for 6 days after that. That week of school was so painful...

I visited Pip everyday after school and after that I went to visit the Hamilton kids. They insisted on seeing me because I apparently saved their Pip. I mean, I guess that's kind of true. But it's so cute that they look up to me and I love it! I've got to admit, I do have a favourite. For a 2 year old Will has an adorable personality! His cute giggle, his hazel eyes and short brown curls. He's basically a small version of his big brother! And I could listen to his giggle all day...

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