Chapter 4

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Everything is white, the place is beautiful as if I'm walking in some flowery garden. I smell mint and lavander. I found my self walking down on pink velvet carpet as I hold pastel pink flower bouquet. Everyone seems excited and cheerful. I keep on walking and walking but it seems like I wasn't moving on my spot, the front image of the altar is so far as if I can't reach there by walking. I start to panic and tears staring to fall down my cheeks, I run with heavy heart and started shouting names, Bom, Chaerin, Minzy, they seemed not to hear me. I find my self looking for Him and to my dismay, I only see the rest of the Bigbang. My tears become heavy and started to look for Jiyong, shouting his name until everything went black. I cried on my knees without even knowing why. Then suddenly I feel something warm embracing me as I fell asleep on the warmth embracing me.


Jiyong's POV

Feeling dejected, I admit, I am disappointed from our conversation (would you even consider that as conversation?! ppfftt!), but I'm more disappointed to myself. I shouldn't expect more from her, afterall we are just pretending and this is my doing for pete's sake. I slummed by body on my swivel chair to relax my mind.

"uuhhmm, Bom"

Huh?! I think my mind is toying me.


I opened my eyes and see the little figure of someone lying on our sofa bed covered by a blanket. I know Dara's voice and I'm sure she's the one under that blanket.

When did she get in here?? Am I that distracted that I didn't notice someone on the bed? 🤦

"Ji... Jiyong.. *sobs* Jiyo..."

Me? She's calling me? In her sleep?

I sit on the edge of the bed and uncover her face, she's crying while calling my name. I wonder what happened in her dream.

I tried to comfort her and caress her arms. Her face is like porcelain, why can't she see  her beauty. Her lips are thin and pinkish, I wonder how it tastes like....wait.. stop mind!!

I face palmed myself and just lay down beside her, I tucked her in my arms and embrace her to calm her down, when I feel her sobs stopped I tried to stand up and let her sleep but she tighten the hold on my shirt.

"Hyu...." Seungri

The guys saw me struggling from Dara's grip.

"sshh.. She just calmed down, be quiet" gesturing to them to be quiet.

They come close to us and look at this tiny figure tugging my shirt.

"Is she crying?" Asked Youngbae

"I heard her sobbing and tried to calm her. I'm about to stand up but her grip on my shirt is tight, I can't move, she might woke up."

"Awww, my Hyungie is so sweet ^_^" Daesung

"Wait til' the girls see this" Says Top as he grab his phone and take a snap of me watching Dara sleep in my arms!!! In my freakin' arms!!!

"Don't you Dare Choi!!! -_-" I warned.

I felt her move and her grip on my shirt loosen up. I get that chance to stand up and escape from the embarassing moment cause the boys are ogling on us.

I gave them the death glare and they got what I meant by that, as I walk on my swivel chair.

I saw Seungri and Daesung sit on the edge of the bed and watch Dara as she wakes up.

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