Chapter 11

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Dara's POV

I'm really nervous right now, this is my first time attending a formal gathering but I know, with this handsome beside me, I will be fine.

I glanced at Jiyong he smiled at me. He grabbed my hand and held it close.

"relax baby, I'm here. You're the prettiest here tonight tho." He proudly say and I felt my cheeks burn up.

We are standing at the back stage cause there will be presenting of the students council officers.

I saw the event hall earlier and everything is perfect!!! I, myself, is really proud of what we did. I still can't believe I am part of the team that made this possible.

The hosts are now starting their speeches and started calling names from the student council.

I can hear combination of scream, gasps and giggles from the other students from the party hall when Top and Bommie were called, that made me more nervous.

"And now, the persons you are all been waiting for." Said the male host

"yeah! I too is excited...

said the female host
wait, do I hear giddiness in her voice? 🤨

...oh, pardon me but he really looks good". there you go! My man is a charmer what can I say.

I let out a sigh and glare at Jiyong

"you're cute when you're jealous baby" he poked my left cheek and giggled.

"nah, I am more excited to see the princess he's holding...

I can sense his smile with his tone of speaking

...I bet the men would agree with me later."
Said the male host that earned gasps and excitement to the crowd specially the men.

I felt Jiyong's grip tighten.

"don't you dare look at them baby, the Dragon in me might appear tonight."
He said stoically still holding my hand tightly.

I laugh at his randomness
earlier he's relax, the next thing I know
he's this stone cold creature.

"all eyes on you baby, relax" I said and he let out a deep sigh.

"The SC Vice President and President...

Jiyong lead the way, being a natural gentleman, he held my hand until we reach the stage with the other SC officers.

...Kwon Jiyong and Sandara Park"

I hear the girls scream and chant Jiyong's name, I'm really used to that I know he have tons of fan girls in and out of our school.

"Please give a little word for your school mates before we start the party proper" Said the female host, focusing on my guy.
He held my hand again and cling in to his arms.

I saw his fangirls' shoulder slummed in defeat, this is amusing 🤣

Jiyong then grabbed the mic from the host and give his welcoming speech.

"...... and thank you all for coming, If it weren't for you, this wouldn't be possible.
Have fun and stay tuned for the special recognitions later."

The ushers guide us to where we should exit in the stage so we can go to our table and have our dinner.

The food served were so good!!! I bet this is the food they serve in heaven!!!

"The food here is heavenly!" I exclaimed

"seriously Tokkie?" Bommie mocked me.

I stuck my tongue out at her and continue eating. Jiyong on the other hand made sure I have my water glass filled and my table napkin placed properly on my lap.

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