Chapter 14

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Jiyong's POV

It's weekend and I plan on taking Dara to our hideout but then she called earlier and said her mother asked her to accompany her to groceries and some errands so I'm stuck here in our house.

I already asked the boys if they were free this day but to no luck, they all have their little errands going on, and as a supportive friend that I am, I understand. haist 😌

So I decided to just unwind in our pool area. The sun is nice and I can't let this pass!

After a couple of pool laps, I saq Dong Hae sitting by the pool bench and just watching me.

Lately he's acting weird, he's getting nicer and nicer. It scares me but It excites me also. This is odd but I can't ignore the fact that It warms my heart when he's showing me casualty.

I got out of the pool and sit by the bench next to his.

"Nice sun huh." He said looking at the far end of the pool.

"Is something wrong?" I asked cause this is really awkward, we never had a conversation like this from all those years.

He chuckled and look down, like shy? 😲

"I was just thinking. uhm, wondering...

He looks kind at this very moment to be honest. I'm liking it. I waited till he finishes. I look at him intently and he can't even look me straight.

...when do you, ahm, came to realize that you like Dara?" He asked, getting me off guard.

"wait? do you really like my girl?" I asked offensively

He laughed, but his laugh sounded sincere, it's not the sarcastic type of laugh. He is creeping me out.

"No! Silly, well maybe." The tease look again with the slithed eyes.

"Oh no you don't! Don't give me that! I'm warning you!" The vibe he's giving me is insane!

He laughed harder and he's reddening from his laugh. It's genuine laugh! Oh good Lord! What have you done to this man? Is this real?

"What's with you?" I asked seriously

He compose himself and smile. again! genuinely!

"I was just wondering, when do you realize that you like a girl" He looked down and if it weren't for his bangs I would clearly see his blushing cheeks. aigoo!

"well, in all honesty, I liked her the first time I saw her, she's jolly, I like watching hee even from afar, but then I realized I wanted to be close to her so I invaded her favorite tree spot...

I tell him, this is like a dream to me. I always wanted to have a brother to tell stories to.

...then our friendship began from there."

He listened keenly and this is really warming for me, it's what I always wanted and it is overwhelming.

"But when did you realize you like her as in like, most likely to feel...

he paused and think if he would continue

...ahm, love?"

wow! just wow! Are we really talking like this.

"w-wait! are you inlove??? Don't tell me you love Dara?! Don't tell me it's her, amma murder you, I promise." I warned him

He just laugh at my antics and pat my shoulder.

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