Chapter 18

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Dara's POV

Everything went smoothly for the past week, Jiyong told me everything, all my worries were gone now. I am here at the back stage preparing for the stage play. Now, all I think of is "do not mess up!"

*knock knock knock*

"come in!" I wonder who that is

the girls ladies and gentlemen 😅
"break a leg gizibe!"

"aawwww you never fail to make me feel overwhelmed girls" they hugged me as a sign of support for my first and last lead role.

"can I see the star of the night?"
a sweet loving voice of Jiyong resonates in my ear, can't help but smile ^________^

He handed me a bouquet of pink daisies with a touch of green carnations while kissing me on my forehead. These simple gestures are everything to me.

They continued chatting here in the dressing room until the stage director called me to get ready. Once again they all hugged me and wish me luck.

Everything went smoothly, until Act 4 where ther's a fight scene and Hae accidentally hurt his ankle.

"I'm so sorry about this direct but I can't move my feet" I felt sorry for Hae cause I know this really is important to him and he worked so hard in our rehearsals.

"Don't force it Hae... but what are we going to do now?" I tried thinking but no one can replace him in his craft, he sets the standards of Romeo soooo high!!

"I have an idea...

he said

....what if Ji replace me instead? afterall, he was like an understudy"

As much as I like that idea, I don't know if Ji would agree

"Call Jiyong! right now! we can't delay the stage!"
Direct calls, the next thing I know is my man wearing Romeo's costume

And I take it back when I said no one can replace Hae in this role.. okay i'm bias ^_^

"ready to fall inlove with me Juliet?" Ji teased
"I already am MY Romeo" I teased back and kissed him on his lips. Just a smack okay???

I left him speechless with a grin on his face and walked towards the closed curtain waiting for a call.


(taking JULIET's hand) Your hand is like a holy place that my hand is unworthy to visit. If you're offended by the touch of my hand, my two lips are standing here like blushing pilgrims, ready to make things better with a kiss.

(I see the glistening eyes of Jiyong)


Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,

Which mannerly devotion shows in this,

For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,

And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.


Good pilgrim, you don't give your hand enough credit. By holding my hand you show polite devotion. After all, pilgrims touch the hands of statues of saints. Holding one palm against another is like a kiss.


Don't saints and pilgrims have lips too?

(His famous grin 😏, he's liking this, aigooo!)


Yes, pilgrim-they have lips that they're supposed to pray with.


Well then, saint, let lips do what hands do. I'm praying for you to kiss me. Please grant my prayer so my faith doesn't turn to despair.


Saints don't move, even when they grant prayers.


Then don't move while I act out my prayer.

He kisses her.

(It's not Romeo, that kiss is my jiyong)

Now my sin has been taken from my lips by yours.


Then do my lips now have the sin they took from yours?


Sin from my lips? You encourage crime with your sweetness. Give me my sin back.

They kiss again


I never thought Ji would know all the lines and I am really impressed on his acting skills, He's a natural.

"thanks for saving this stage Jiyong, I will surely add credits to you" Said the stage director and tap Jiyong's shoulder saying Good Job!

"I'm so proud of you babe!"

"Do I get another kiss then?" teasing me again
I lean forward and whisper in his ear

"maybe, later? long endless kiss" I teased back

😳😳😳 <--- his look is so precious I can't even 😆

"yah! babe! Don't do this to me!" I heard him shout but I just looked at him smile and grin then get back on focus.

I really had a good time with this stage play since day 1 but tonight is so special, it's perfect.

Then the last scene came.

I saw my mother and brother with Mr. Park. Something about him comforts me. I saw him waving a banner saying
"Dara our Princess"

only my father calls me that 🥺

Then it hit me!

His face, his voice, his smile and the way he calls me princess at times but it never occur to me the possibilities.

I admit, a part of me longs for the love of a father and I will exchange everything just to have my father back again.

Thinking about that made my tears flow freely which is likely needed in the scene in the end where Romeo returns to Verona because he believes Juliet is dead. When he arrives at Juliet's tomb she appears lifeless, and in his grief, he kills himself by drinking poison. Moments later Juliet wakes up, and finding Romeo dead.

The last curtain call, everyone was introduced, even Hae cause he's really the lead cast. And as promised, Jiyong got the credit he deserves. The brothers hugged and congratulated each other.

The crowd is wild, we got standing ovation, our friends are cheering and they are loud!!!

"That's my unnie!!!" our baby minzy
"Whoooo! I teached her how to act!" said bom
"witwiw!" Chae whistle with her fingers

When we got the chance to go to the audience area, I scoot to my family's side.

"You did a good job baby, i'm proud of so, so much" omma said while hugging me tight, I can't help but feel happy and it made me teary.

"nice noona!" Thunder punched me in my arm.

My eyes landed on Mr. Park still holding the banner saying I'm their princess.
"You did well up there Miss, you're family is so proud of you, I'm proud of you"

I waited for him to say something more, cause I don't want to jump into conclusions and I don't want assume and hope and be heartbroken.

"Your father is so proud of you princess"
Said omma. My heart pounded and I felt Jiyongs hand squeeze mine before letting it go. It's like awakeing from a trace.

"my.. fa..? what? omma what do you mean?"
shocked and overwhelm with what's happening. I still cannot remove my eyes from this gentleman infront of me, I can feel the stream of water slowly flowing down my cheeks. Jiyong let go of my hand and I felt it trembles with my heart.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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