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Hey Thea, I'm inviting Will
and James over for a drink
later. You can come over
if you want?

I'd love to! What time
should I be over at?

Whenever you want, I'm
not up to anything today :P

Ill be over in about an
hour, is that okay?

Yeah that's grand, Will
and James will be over
at around 8, so they'll
be a good few hours,
talk to ye ina bit

See you when
I see you x


I cringe after pressing send on that message, why the hell would I put a kiss at the end of that?

I sigh and drop my phone back onto my desk, focusing back onto the terreria video I was recording.

"Okay so I'm nearly done building my tree house. I want to make sure it looks as sexy as me, which is very if you couldn't tell," I chuckle as I continue recording the video.


I quickly spray some deodorant on before I leave the flat. After recording I had changed into some leggings and a black oversized jumper.

I put on some light makeup to cover the bags under my eyes and the spots dotted around my face.

I lock my door behind me and walk over to George and Alex's flat. I knock on the door and wait for it to open.

Some shuffling is heard from the other side and it swings open, revealing George. He's wearing some black ripped jeans, a black hoodie and some glasses, "I see we're matching," I point between us and smile. "Great minds think alike," I point at my head, and walk into his flat after he had gestured for me to come in.

"Hey Thea!" I hear Alex call from the living room.

I walk into the living room to see Alex placed on the couch, playing some fifa. I stand there awkwardly for a moment when suddenly, a hand is placed on my shoulder.

I turn my head to see George with his arm around my shoulder, he was facing me, "C'mon, lets sit you down. I wanna see what yer like in fifa," he has a boyish grin on his face.

I return the smile and we both plop ourselves down onto the couch beside Alex. Alex mumbles to himself every now and then and the match eventually ends, he won 3-2.

He triumphantly hands me the control, "Now, lets see you lose," he claps his hands and a smirk appears on his features.

I playfully scorn, "It's nice to see you have faith in me Alex," I emphasise his name and he giggles.

I put all my attention onto the match. I had played fifa years ago but lost interest as it was pretty much just the same game being released again and again but with better graphics. I know, such a scandalous opinion.

I score a point and erupt into cheers, I nudge Alex's shoulder, "What was that about losing?" I remind him playfully.

He laughs and rolls his eyes, "Games not over yet, sunshine."

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