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Still Thursday

George and I had quickly ran back to my flat after seeing the post.

I could feel myself shaking in both anger and guilt.

If I hadn't went out with George, this wouldn't have happened.

George grabbed my hand and buried his head into my neck. I could feel his heavy breath on my skin, making me shiver.

I frown even more, "George, you don't deserve this.." I croak, my throat suddenly dry and tears threatening to fall down my face.

George looks up with a confused expression, "What?"

"I mean.. if we weren't together this wouldn't have happened. All because of me, your face was revealed to the whole fucking internet!" I can't stop the tears from spilling down my face anymore.

George grabs both of my hands and kneels down in front of me, "No, no. You're not allowed to say that Thea. I want to be with you for fucks sake! I would reveal my face a million more times for all I cared!" He let go of one of my hands and placed his hand under my chin, lifting it up so I was looking at him. "Because I love you Thee.." he said softly.

I smile and lean my forehead on his, "Thank you, George.." I whisper.

George pulls me into a hug. We're currently kneeling on the floor together and hugging, I didn't want it to end.

But of course, it had to at some point.

There was a loud banging at my door. "Thea! Is George in there with you?!" A familiar Geordie voice booms from my front door.

I jump up from the floor and quickly walk to my front door. I open the door to reveal a frantic looking Will, "Shit, you look horrible.. You've seen?" He asks.

I sniffle and nod my head, "He's in here," I let Will in before closing the door behind him.

Will runs straight to the living room, I follow him. He scoops George into a big bro hug, "You okay, mate?"

George falls back and smiles, "I'll be fine. As long as Thee's here with me I'm happy," George walked over to me and snaked his arm around my waist. I hide my face as I blush and say a quiet thank you.

Will smirks at us, then turns down to look at his phone, "I've let the lads know you're alright," He pauses for a moment, and looks up at George, "I think you should make a video about this. It's blown up. The hashtag 'Memeulousface' is trending at three on twitter."

George un-snakes his arm from my waist and puts his hand on his chin again. "I may as well make it now. To get it over with.." he mumbles to himself. He stands there silently for a few moments and suddenly turns to me, "Could you come over? For some support," he smiles sheepishly.

I chuckle and grab his hand, "Of course, George."


"Right ok, welcome back to the Memeulous channel. Today is.. a little different.." George sighs.

He's still wearing his mask, he says he's more comfortable with it on.

"Uhm so.. one of my ex's. Who I'd rather not name- but you all probably know of any way. Posted a photo earlier today, of her and I when we were together. She uh.. posted it after I posted a photo with my new girlfriend just to spite me," His gaze dropped and his expression was saddened. "I used to love this girl, I won't say why we broke up. That's our problem. But I never expected her to go so low. To do something so childish. Just because I've moved on from her after she hurt me in he way she did." He sighed again and looked up at the camera.

"Basically, she exposed my face. She knew full well I didn't show it, and she knew full well I didn't want to show it. She has no excuse, she was 100% aware of the fact I didn't want to show my face to the internet." I feel my blood boiling again as I continue to watch from behind the camera.

"Not only did she expose my face, but she exposed my relationship. She exposed who it was, when both of us were trying to slowly reveal it in our own time." His eyebrows furrow as he shakes his head in disgust.

"Now you may be wondering, why am I still wearing my disguise? Well, it's what I'm comfortable with. I don't know if I'm gonna stop wearing it now, I'm still trying to figure this all out. Fuck.. it's all so overwhelming. I just- I just don't know what to do.." he croaks, slowly breaking down.

He takes his sunglasses off and rubs his eyes with his sleeve as he sniffles. He quickly stands up and I do the same, running around the camera and pulling him into a hug.

He buries his head into the crook of his neck and wraps his arms around me. I run my fingers through his hair, "It'll be alright George, it's okay to be upset. It's okay.. I'm here.." I reassured him in a hushed tone.

Will and Alex stayed put behind the camera, not wanting to disturb their friend.

"Ok.." George says, pulling away from me. He looks down at me and smiles, "Lets finish this story, shall we?" He says with a small smile.

I nod and go back behind the camera. George sits back down and gets comfortable in the seat again.

He looks at me and nods, signalling that he was ready to go on.

He clears his throat, "Right anyways.. I'm probably going to take a small break as I try figure everything out. I don't know what we can do about this at the moment. We haven't researched it, at all. I guess all I have to say before I end this is..." he sighs and stares directly into the camera.

"Fucking screw you, Olivia."


I think we're starting to creep up to the end here!... Ok, that's kinda sad for me...

I hope you're all doing well and staying safe out there! I hate to admit it, but I actually can't wait to go back to school. I have zero motivation and I miss having the opportunity to go out, even if I didn't do it much. It's all just really boring.

Happy belated St. Patrick's Day!

Thank you all so much for over 850 reads! We're almost at 900 too! Like what the fuuuu- that's almost at 1k! Like that's unreal!!

Make sure to vote and comment!

Hugs and Kisses,
-Emmy xoxo

Hugs and Kisses,-Emmy xoxo

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