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I decided yesterday that I would just go home and rest. It was a pretty scary experience, so I thought it was alright to.

I set my alarm for nine o'clock as I wanted to clean up my flat. I hadn't been keeping it tidy for the last while.

I was just finishing up and was sweating like mad. My t-shirt was stuck to my back due to my sweat. So, ultimately, I decided to have a shower.

I couldn't talk to George smelling like a sock.

It was a quick shower, so after I went and changed into some casual clothes. I was wearing some black leggings and some of Alex's new merch he gave to me the other day. It was nice, but I preferred George's. It seemed like I preferred anything to do with George. God, I really needed to see him.

I ran a brush in my hair and put it up into a bun. I made it look messy in a nice way, as odd as that sounds. I didn't bother putting makeup on.

I do into my kitchen and grab a pint glass, filling it with water. I sit down at the island and think over what I'm going to say to George when I go to theirs.

I finish the pint and quickly wash it, putting back into the cupboard when I'm done.

I grab my phone and walk to my front door, closing it behind me.

I arrive at George and Alex's front door, taking a deep breath before knocking. Alex opens the door. Expected. "Hey T, what's up?" He asks.

"Hey Al," I hug him, he hugs back. "Can I come in? I'm uh.. gonna talk to George," I announce.

Alex furrows his eyebrows, "Oh my god-" he hushes his voice, "Are you breaking up with hi-"

"God no!" I whisper-shout. Alex sighs out of relief and I laugh. "I just think it's about time I talk to him," I shrug.

Alex smiles sympathetically, "Good luck, i'll be in my room. Nice merch by the way," he adds with a wink, now walking to his room. I laugh.

I follow him soon after but stop at George's door. Again, I take a deep breath before knocking. "George? It's me, Thea," I call through the door.

I hear silence from the other end and sigh. "Fine then. I'm coming in!" I shout.

I open his door and walk in, being met with the darkness of his room. His curtains aren't pulled and there's clothes scattered around the floor. Seems like he's been worse at managing his mess. I try to joke to myself, but don't find it funny.

He's currently watching some Netflix on his big telly. He glances at me but immediately goes back to watching whatever's on his screen. "Hey Thea," he says, monotonous.

I frown. He didn't even pay me much attention. It's been three weeks since we've properly seen one another. Three fucking weeks.

I feel my blood starting to boil. I stomp over to the side of his bed and grab the remote, turning the telly off. George's head whips over to look at me as I now walk over to his curtains, pulling them open. "What the fuck?" George hisses.

I'm slightly taken aback by his response but I shrug it off, now is not the time to be retaliating. "Enough is enough, George. Time to wake the fuck up and get on with your life," I say sternly. "Three weeks, George. I haven't seen you in three fucking weeks. This is ridiculous. I get that it's hard, but you need to move the fuck on." I look up at George, he doesn't look like he wants to say anything so I continue. "Give him space, they're saying. Well guess what? No. You've had enough fucking space. You're a grown ass man, not a three year old. You have friends, family, and a girlfriend that want to see you."

𝐔𝐍𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃 ➪ 𝑴𝑬𝑴𝑬𝑼𝑳𝑶𝑼𝑺 | ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now