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I sat there, on the side of my bed. Staring at my Instagram profile. I had just deleted the photo I used to retaliate against George, as I felt uncomfortable with it up. I hoped no one would notice.

I get up off of my bed and walk into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. I boil the kettle and grab a cup and a tea bag.

There's a sudden knock at the door and I scramble over to go answer it. I look through the peep hole to see a familiar figure standing outside.

I open the door, "Hey Will," I smile.

Will looks up from his phone and a goofy smile covers his face, "Heya Thea! I was coming over to the lads flat to pick up something I left behind last night, but they're not there. Do ya mind if I chill in here for a bit?" He asks with puppy eyes.

I roll my eyes and chuckle, "Of course, Will," I stand out of the way for him to step in. He walks through my door and I close it behind him.

I lead him through to the kitchen and he sits down at the table, "Cuppa'?" I ask.

"Yes please," he chirps.

I pull out another cup and tea bag, and pour the now boiled water into the cups. I used the spoon to stir the cups, "How are you so chirpy right now? You were off your rocker last night you were so drunk. Sugar?" I add.

I hear him laugh from behind me, "I just got lucky, I usually do get hangovers but I was fine after a paracetamol. And no thanks," he answers.

I grab the handles of the cups and bring them over to the kitchen table, placing one in front of Will and one where I was gonna sit. I sit down in my seat and hold onto the cup for some warmth.

"So you know about George and stuff now?" He raises an eyebrow. I weakly smile.

"Yeah, I do. It was sort of an accident. We were messin' about and we fell into his room. I seen his setup and then his mask," I explain, looking off into space.

"Ah sure, everything's good though," Will shrugs.

I chuckle awkwardly, "Mhm," I hum.

Will raises an eyebrow, "What's wrong?" He asks suspiciously.

I fall out of my staring and look up at him, "What? Nothing," I exaggerate my voice a bit.

He put his cup of tea down and folds his arms on the table, leaning in slightly closer to me. "Thea. Something is wrong. You are hiding something," he points out.

I sigh. "There may be.. one tiny problem with the fact that George is Memeulous," I admit.

He raises an eyebrow, "Oh?" He says slowly.

I sigh and stand up, "Be right back, stay here," I order as I walk into my bedroom.

I grab the familiar item from its drawer and walk back into the kitchen where Will was waiting patiently.

I drop the item in front of him and it takes him a moment to realise what it is I put in front of him, "A mask?" He asks.

"Take a closer look at what the mask looks like, remind you of something?" I ask.

Will picks it up and hangs it in front of him, he looks confused but then a look of realisation hits over him. He drops the mask and looks at me, wide-eyed.

"Fuck off," he breaths out.

I sheepishly smile, "Yeah, that's what the small problem is," I say sitting back down.

"No! Fuck! You can't be her! Shit.." he mumbles to himself.

"Yeah, I was planning on telling you guys once we got a bit closer and I knew I could trust you," I explain.

"And now you don't think you can or should," Will finishes for me. I look back up at him and sadly nod.

"I don't know what to do Will. George hates me. I guess I already forgave him, because I know he's really a great guy.. but George like has a serious problem with me. Which he has no right to by the way," I ramble on.

Will grabs my hand, "Look, Thea. I've had multiple chats with George about the YouTube you before. I don't think he has the right to accuse you of copying his content, because you don't. You've made some of the same content but it's mostly not the same. I don't know how we tell him.." Will goes on.

I sigh and take my hand away from his, "Will, I think we should leave it for now. Just forget about it at the moment," I take a drink from my cup of tea.

Will does the same and then puts it back down, still in his grip, "Yeah.. Yeah.. Shit man.. And to think, George really.." the last few words were inaudible, I didn't hear the last of that sentence. But that wasn't really bothering me at that moment. I was just trying to think about how we tell George about me.


Will and I had ended up chilling out for a little longer, sometimes talking about George, and other times just about ourselves.

I had learned about his dog Darcey, who was totally cute.

He had learned about how I was going to go to uni for a degree in computer science, but ended up taking YouTube as a full time thing. He then shared how he had gone to uni for a degree I  Engineering but dropped out, taking YouTube as a full time thing.

We were sitting in my living room, watching some telly when there was a knock on the door. I excused myself from the couch and opened the door without looking at who it was.

I feel my throat dry up a little, "Oh, hey George," I croak.

George smiles warmly at me, "Hey Thee, Will's here right? I know he said he'd be at yours while he waited on Alex and I, and we've been back for about a half an hour." He explains.

I nod and turn around, "Will! George's here!" I shout into my flat. Will calls back and we hear him moving around a bit before arriving at the door.

"What's up man, you ready for me to come over?" Will asks.

George nods and turns to me, "You can come too, if you want like?"

I awkwardly laugh and shake my head, "No, no I'm alright. You go on ahead Will, it was nice to get a visit from you and get to know you better," I smile.

Will turns to me and sympathetically smiles, he pulls me into a hug which I gladly return. "We'll figure something out," he whispers in my ear.

He pulls away and I smiled weakly at him, he walks out and sends me a final wave. As I close the door I heard George ask "What was that about?" And Will answer, "Nothing mate."

I sigh as I finally click the door closed. I walk back into my living room and drop down onto my couch, groaning as I massage my face.

What do I do now?


That's chapter 7! Hope you guys enjoyed!

I decided that I'd get two chapters up as I didn't get to post yesterday due to the system glitch. So lucky yous!

Make sure you vote and leave a comment, I'd love to chat with yous!

Hugs and Kisses,
-Emmy xoxo

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