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As soon as the time turned to seven in the morning, I shot up out of bed. I hadn't slept a wink. Although I did try to not wake George up as I got up.

I was still wearing my clothes from last night, I didn't dare move after what happened.

"Goodnight George," I whisper.

"Night thee, I love you."

It had taken me a few seconds to register what he had said, I felt like I was going to pass out at the time. I think I had about five minutes sleep.

I hadn't drank much last night, so I didn't have a hangover thankfully. As soon as I left George's room I quietly exited his apartment and went back to mine.

I changed out of last nights outfit and into something more comfortable. I was wearing some sweats and a t-shirt that was all-too-big for me. If you couldn't tell, I had no intention of doing anything.

I was too shaken up by last nights events. Too confused even.

I sit down on my couch and watch some re-runs of Friends as I eat some crisps and other junk food. I was comfortable.


I was comfortable, but now I wasn't.

I was currently standing at my (now open) front door with George standing in front of me. He was wearing some black jeans and his Alpha Male merch.

I could hear my heartbeat at my ears. Ultimately, I was freaking out. I wasn't ready to see him.

"I didn't catch you this morning, but I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out?" He asks, I couldn't help but hear the edge to his voice.

I smile tightly, "Ha, sorry about that. I.. wanted to change but didn't want to wake you," I lied. "Oh, and sorry.. but I'm not really up for going out," I chuckle nervously.

George seems a bit deflated by my answer, "Oh.. well could I come in then? I have nothing to do," he goes on.

I imagine myself slapping him, and saying 'Fella are you slow? I clearly don't want to see you'. But I nod politely, letting him into my flat.

"Sorry about the mess, I was pigging out and having a lazy day," I fiddle with my thumbs.

"It's fine," George answers tightly.

I awkwardly sit down onto my couch, sitting up straight. George sits down and gets into a more laid-back position, but he couldn't help but look tense.

Oh he definitely knew.

"So, what were you watching?" He asks, not sounding any more at ease.

"Uh, Friends," I answer.



We sit in silence. None of us daring to speak first.

We occasionally steal glances at one another, still not spewing a thing.

"I need the jacks," I announce, getting up off of my couch.

I quickly walk into the hallway which led to my bathroom, but am suddenly caught in someone's clasp.

"Thea," George says, sounding serious.

I sigh and turn around to face him, he looks down at my face, scanning my expression.

"I know what I said last night," he breaths out. "I honestly didn't mean for it to slip like that. It just came naturally afterward. I was honestly hoping you didn't hear, but when I woke up and seen that you were gone? I knew you heard it," he smiles sadly.


"No, let me finish Thee. Just because I didn't mean to say it, doesn't mean it's not true. I do love you Thea. But I get if you're not ready to say it back," he smiles, looking content with himself.

I couldn't help but smile back, "Thank you George," I whisper. "Look, it's not that I don't love you, but I'm just not ready for it. If you get what I mean," I explain, George nods. "You are my number one George, you mean so god damn much to me. You never fail to put a smile on my face or make me laugh. You're the person I turn to whenever I need to talk and you're the person I want to fall asleep to and wake up to every night and morning," I admit, feeling myself blush as it say it.

George pulls me into him, grabbing my waist and kissing me softly yet passionately. "I love you Thea," he rubs his nose on mine.

I caress his cheek, "And I really like you too George," I laugh and he joins in.

We stand there in each other's embrace for what seems like forever.

"Ok, but I do actually need to go to the jacks," I chuckle, George laughs loudly and lets me go. He lets me go to the bathroom and walks back into the living room.

I smile as I walk away from George, I'm really happy he understands.


I give George a final kiss as he leaves my flat for the night.

We had spent the rest of our time watching telly and joking around, back to normal. We also talked about YouTube and I may have gotten myself a video with Will to make in a few days.

I grab a pint glass and fill it up with water. I then go to my room and change into one of George's tax merch that he had left at mine a while ago, along with some shorts.

I walk over to my bed and get under the covers, getting comfortable.

I find myself smiling about George. How did I get so lucky? He's funny, sweet and understanding. The last thing that passes my mind as my eyelids get heavy and I fall asleep is..

I may not have fallen for George yet,

But it certainly wont take me much longer.


Guys this is overwhelming. As of right now, I posted the last chapter about 6 hours ago. But you probably seen that I thanked you guys for 600 reads. Right now though, IM ON 700 READS. WHAT THE HELL, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH.

I feel like I'm slowly but surely getting my grove again in writing. I had been going so well for about three months and it sort of came crashing down with my CBA's, which had me asleep at like 9-10 pm every night, which was not exactly practical for me uploading.

Anyway, I spare you guys the excuses. Thank you so much for reading! Make sure to vote and comment!

Hugs and Kisses,
-Emmy xoxo

Hugs and Kisses,-Emmy xoxo

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