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I sat in darkness, lying in the fetus position while being covered by my duvet. I was so pathetic.

I had been like this for the past two days. Locked up in my room, drowning in my self pity. I know I shouldn't be, but I was just really upset. I never even uploaded that video I promised to upload yesterday.

I don't even know why, I didn't know George for so long. But he had made me so happy since I came here, he was the one who introduced me to everyone I called my friends now. He made me laugh, smile and have a good time in my integration into this society.

I'm brought out of my pity party when there's a loud knock on my front door. I wondered who it was, there had been complete radio silence for the past two days from everyone.

I walk up to the front door and open it without checking who it was, I suddenly feel self conscious about my looks.

I'm wearing an old Metallica shirt, tucking into some tacky shorts. My hair is in a messy bun and I can imagine my cheeks are tear stained.

"Hey Stephen," my voice comes out as a croak from not talking the past two days.

"There's my secret little masked beauty," he has his usual goofy smile.

I sigh, "I'm really sorry Stephen, but I'm not in the mood today."

He frowns and leans against the door frame, taking a proper look at me, "Shit, you don't look good," he mumbles, putting a hand on my arm.

"Gee, thanks for reminding me," I retort, my voice lacing in sarcasm.

He laughs and playfully rolls his eyes, "Sorry, sorry.." he stands up straight again. "I just wanted to check up on you, it's been completely silent on your part. We all wanted to text or call but we figured we'd let you have some space and call or text first," he explained.

But my attention wasn't primarily on him in that moment. It was on the boy leaving a flat a few doors down. He turns around from locking his door when he spots me staring at him, his lips part and he mouths my name, nothing actually coming out. It's George.

I feel my throat closing up, "T? You okay? What're you looking at?" Stephen asks, noticing my lack of attention.

I quickly grab onto Stephen and pull him into my flat, slamming the door behind me. He wasn't prepared for me throwing him into my flat and he falls over, dragging me with him.

I yelp and land on his body, laughing as we do so. I look up to see a flustered Stephen with red cheeks, I slowly get up and brush any dirt off of me. He soon does the same thing, "Sorry," he mumbles.

I smile, "No, it's fine. That's the first time I've laughed in like two days, thanks."

He looks up at me and his goofy smile returns, "Oh okay."

My mind goes back to only moments before and I shuffle my feet uncomfortably, "Sorry.. about dragging you in here. It's just that, I panicked because.. I seen George," I whisper the last part, my gaze falling to the floor.

Stephen frowns and places am hand on my arm, "Thea what happened? He refused to tell us. Only thing we know about is that you're that YouTuber he hates.." he mumbles.

I sigh a shaky breath, "Uhm, so I had been feeling pretty down since finding out about George being Memeulous because of who I am. So I posted something about it on my Instagram and he commented, ' is the little copycat rat sad? What a shame. Go burn in hell please and thanks'," I recite, Stephen noticeably stiffens.

"It really upset me, and next thing I know. Low and behold. He shows up at my doorstep, I open the door and he sees how upset I am, he brings me inside and we end up watching YouTube to cheer me up," I take a deep breath.

"One of.. my videos came up on the recommended. He proceeds to tell me how much he hates this person and I start getting defensive over it, asking why and what they did. He gets pissed because I'm defending them and I accidentally say something that makes him figure it out. We argue and I mention something along the lines of 'yeah I'm sure it's horrible finding out the girl you've been hanging out with is that copycat rat that should've been burning in hell by now?'," I feel myself choking up over it. "I kicked him out after that, and proceeded to wallow in my own self pity for the next two days," I laugh weakly.

"What the fuck, man.." Stephen grumbles.

We stay silent for a moment when he suddenly pulls me in for a hug, I immediately hug back. It was like a hug solves all my problems, only.. temporarily

He pulls away from the hug and smiles down softly at me, "I was going out to the club later with Will, James and Frazer. You could come?" He asks.

I take a moment to think it over, "Yeah, sure. I need to go outside anyway," I laugh, he joins in.

We both go into my Kitchen and I make his a cup of tea, we chat and laugh for a while and I feel myself starting to feel better.

We can always rely on Stephen for a good laugh, that was what made him a good friend. He was there for me.

He looks down at his phone, "I'm going to head back to mine now. I have some stuff to take care of. I'll come pick you up around 7?" He asks, I nod and he smiles.

I walk him to my door and open it for him, he walks out and I pull him in for one last hug. "Thanks for today, I feel much better now," I say.

He smiles and waves to me as he walks off, I stay at the door until he's gone from my sight.

Next thing I know, George's door is flung open and a rather rushed version of George starts running towards me.

I quickly go to close the door but George catches it and opens it up, us coming face to face.

"Thea-" he starts.

"No. Not now," I whisper, the hurt clear in my voice and I shake my head.

"Please," his voice comes out desperate.

I shake my head once more, "Sorry, but not now. I was just starting to feel better," I explain and slowly close the door.

Once it's closed, I bang my head against it and let out a sigh.


So, chapter 9! Do ya like it? Yes? No? Ok cool.

I know that you may be wondering, "Hey Emmy, why don't you do the Instagram format much?".

Well, because it's not exactly my style. But I suppose it does tend to have a big part in this story, so I only do it when necessary I suppose.

Also, Liverpool was beaten. What the fuck.

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Hugs and Kisses,
-Emmy xoxo

Hugs and Kisses,-Emmy xoxo

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