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I'm currently sitting in George and Alex's kitchen. Watching Keemstars latest video that happens to be about us.

Now, you're probably asking yourself. What's happening? Well, let me tell you.

Yesterday after I revealed my face to the world, someone recognised me as 'the girl from Alex's post' a few weeks prior. Which ultimately meant.. I was with George. But since we never told anyone about us clearing the air, people are calling us 'fake' and 'liars'.

"We need to make a video together," I groan.

George continues to focus on the video but nods his head. "I'll go set up the camera. We can use your one right?" I ask, he nods his head.

I go into his room and set up his camera. He had left his computer on so it wasn't any bother getting into it.

George wanders into the room a few moments later and wraps his arms around me, hugging me from behind.

I lean back into him and sigh, he rests his chin on my shoulder. "We should go out after this," he mumbles into my chest.

I smile, "Or.. we could just chill at mine?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm sure you're probably tired after this," he laughs.

I grab the spare chair to sit down on but George insists I use his, so he takes the stool.

George quickly puts his disguise on and I turn the camera on

"Hiya," I wave at the camera awkwardly. "Today is going to be different. As you can see, I'm joined with George," I point to George and he says 'hi'. "We both have a bit of explaining to do," I chuckle and George joins in.

"Yeah. So basically... right now we're both under heat for 'lying about hating eachother'," George uses air quotations. "In reality, that was true. We honestly did hate each other. But that changed recently," George looks at me and I notice the crinkles in the corner of his eyes, indicating that he's smiling. I smile back. "Thea here moved to London a few weeks ago, and coincidentally.. she's one of my neighbours," he chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "We had no idea who we both were, but we got along. We were friends, and good ones at that," he explained and I dropped my gaze as I blushed a little.

I take a deep breath and look up, "Yeah. Then, I found out about George being Memeulous and freaked out," I chuckle and George joins in, "I avoided him and he arrived at mine one day. We hung out and watched a bit of YouTube. He expressed his hate for me without actually knowing it was me he was talking about, and I got pissed. Then, being the absolute eejit I am, I revealed who I was. But now," I turn to look at George with a smile and he grabs my hand, not in the camera frame, "We're Uhm.. good friends," I explain.


A couple of hours later, George and I are at my place. We're drinking and talking while listening to some music from the speaker Gee left last night after we abruptly ended our celebration.

This was officially our second date, and I was really happy about it.

"How do you think they're going to respond to the video?" I fiddle with the beer bottle in my hand.

George moves over to sit beside me and pulls me into a side hug, "We've explained everything, it's up to them to decide whether they believe us or not. If they don't? We'll get over it," George says softly, making me relax.

We had decided to turn our phones off for this date and retreat from social media for the night.

George and I stay sitting like we are for a while, continuing to chat and take swigs for our beer bottle.

One of my favorite songs called 'water fountain' by Alec Benjamin suddenly came onto the speaker and I started to nod my head and hum to it.

George stood up and pulled me onto the open space, "What're you doing?" I laugh.

"Dancing," he smiles down at me. He pulls me into his chest and placed his hands on my waist. I rest my hands and head on his chest and we start to sway around.

The sound of the music in my ears and the warmth from George was amazing. The fast beating in his chest put a smile on my face. I was really happy.

George lightly spins me around and pulls me back in. This time keeping hold of one of my hands and resting his hand on my hip so that there was a bit of space between us. I look up at him and lightly blush.

He blows some air from his nose and rests his forehead on mine, closing his eyes as we continue to sway with the music.

George takes in a deep breath and lifts his head, his gaze on me intensifying. "Thea," he starts and clears his throat. We continue to sway to the music, "This is only our second date, but I already know I like you, a lot," he smiles and his cheeks have a slight tint. "So.." he begins. "Would you do me the honour, of being my girlfriend? To make it official?" He asks.

I feel my eyes bulging out of their sockets and my face getting all flustered, "I-I.. Uhm.. I.. yes! Yes! Oh my god, yes!" I laugh and pull him in for a quick kiss.

George laughs along with me and lifts me off my feet, spinning me around as we laughed. He kisses me as he puts me down and doesn't pull away. This reminds me of the night we first kissed. No, not the truth or dare night, we don't count that. But the night we made up.

I found myself smiling into the kiss.

I was with the person I liked. This is crazy. But I love it.



I know I'm the author and I knew when they were gonna get together, but it's still exciting, alright?

Make sure you guys vote and comment!

Hugs and kisses,
-Emmy xoxo

Hugs and kisses,-Emmy xoxo

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