Vol. 1 Ch. 9 Down At The Docks

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Your POV

The three of us looked up to see a Bullhead's searchlights flashing around for a landing spot, descending in the middle of the cargo containers and extending a ramp for a black hooded individual with a metallic fanged mask to come out of. Blake said, "Oh no..." Then I said, "I have a very bad feeling about this." Sun asked, "Is that them?"

Blake stared at the bloody wolf on the back of the man's outfit and said, "Yes... It's them."
White Fang Soldier motioned with his rifle to the other White Fang members coming from the aircraft, as he said, "All right, grab the tow cables!" Sun looked at Blake and said, "You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?"
Blake stared sadly at the scene and replied, "No. I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right." I put my hand on hers and smiled.

I then snapped my eyes back onto the scene as a new voice is heard. I heard the voice of Roman Torchwick say, "Hey! What's the holdup!?" The soldiers looked up at Roman gesturing widely and coming down the ramp. The Roman said, "We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?"

Blake then said, "This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a Human. Especially not one like that." She stands up and unsheathes the katana of Gambol Shroud before walking off the edge of the roof. That makes Sun alarmed and said, "Hey, what are you doing?!" Blake falls to the ground in a crouch, then continues on to hide behind one of the containers. I cracked my neck and got to my feet. Sun looked at me and said, "What, not you too!?" I groaned in response and said, "Maximum effort."

Then I did a front flip off the roof and landed on the ground. I used a wooden crate to boost myself onto a shipping container. Then I climbed up another one, trying my best not to make a sound. I looked over the edge to see Roman ordering the White Fang guards. Roman said to one of them. "No, you idiot! This isn't a leash!"

Suddenly, Blake appeared behind him with her blade to his throat. Then Roman said, "What the...Oh, for f─" He rolls his eyes when he's cut off by Blake mid-swear as she said, "Nobody move!" Roman responded, "Whoa! Take it easy there, little lady."

As the White Fang closes in on her, Blake uses her free hand to go for her bow and remove it, causing the ribbon to fall away as her Faunus ears are shown to the world. Then she said, "Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum?"

The White Fang members lower their weapons a little at this development, unsure of what to do. Roman laughs and said, "Oh, kid, didn't you get the memo?" Blake looked confused and asked, "What are you talking about?" Roman answered, "The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together!" Blake said, "Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation." Suddenly, the air is filled with more turbines blowing the wind wildly around the holdup. Roman looked up and said, "I wouldn't exactly call it a little operation..."

Two more Bullheads are hovering above the heist. I looked up at the bullheads with shock, this was going to be a lot harder then I had anticipated.
Suddenly a large explosion drew my attention back to the ground below, where Blake was thrown back by Roman. Blake, dazed but relatively unhurt on the ground, quickly rolls and runs out of the way of Roman's continued attacks, flaming missiles destroying cargo behind her as she retreats behind more containers. Roman started to slowly approach Blake, saying, "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty..." Then I yelled out, "Hey, Torchwick!"

Roman looked up to find the source of the voice.
When he did, I came flying down towards him swinging Electro and Overload at Roman. He blocked the attack with his cane and knocked me away. I tumbled across the ground, but managed to make it to my feet. Roman then said, "You fucking feline."

Roman aimed his cane at me, but before he could shoot, a banana peel lands on his hat. Sun leaps from the container above Roman and drops down on the criminal's face feet-first, rolling up and readying himself to fight. I looked over at Sun, rolled my eyes, and said, "The banana peel? Really?" Sun shrugged and said, "What?"
The Bullheads open to let more White Fang members descend on the scene, standing by Roman as he gets up and surrounding me and Sun. Then Roman said, "You animals aren't trained very well, so let me teach you."

Then I said, "Alright, Monkey Boy . Let's see what you got." Then the White Fang charge at the monkey Faunus, but he manages to dodge slashes and get some of the soldiers with his fists and kicks until he rolls out of the way, pulling out a collapsible red staff. He quickly uses this to beat down on each opponent that nears him, falling each one in a single flaming blow when he twirls.

Meanwhile, I sliced through all the White Fang members with ease, I spun around and cut three members across the chest, sending them to the ground in pain. I ducked under another attack from a White Fang soldier, and I dealt a fast jab to the soldier's nose, stunning him. I quickly disarmed the soldier, grabbed his shirt, and said, "Sun! Heads up!"

Then I threw the soldier over to Sun, he smiled as he flipped and kicked the soldier down to the ground. He then did another flip kicking the soldier over to Roman, making him duck out the way in order to not get hit. The crime boss growls in annoyance and aims his cane at Sun, firing a shot that I blocked by jumping in front of the monkey faunus, and deflecting the shot with Overload, knocking it out of my hand. Blake then leaps into the action.

Blake goes in close and becomes a blur of afterimages as she slashes both blades at Roman, who backs away and deflects each would-be blow with his cane at unbelievable speeds. Blake continues to dash, hop over, and slide around Roman to try and find a weak spot, but her enemy, while barely deflecting the attacks, lands a few hits on Blake until one final beating with his cane causes her to go down.

I kicked Roman back and swung Electro down at him. Roman blocked with his cane and the two of us started to clash. As the two of us were trading blows, Sun joined in and the two of us kept sending attacks at Roman. Roman somehow just managed to hold off both attacks until a millisecond-long pause allowed Blake to get a slash in and knock him back. I smiled, got to my feet, picked up Overload, and said, ""Well, that wasn't such a chore now, was it?"

On his back, Roman notices a container hanging by a crane right above the three warriors, and gets up to fire his cane at 2 of its supports. I looked up and gasped, then I pushed Blake and Sun out the way of the container. Then it swung down and hit me, throwing me into another metal container and knocking me out.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Neo stealing Chibi Roman's bowler hat)

Blake, Sun, Ruby, Penny, and I were sitting on some boxes until the rest of team RWBY showed up. My head was still hurting from having a shipping container hit me. Blake walked up to me and I said, "So Blake, does this mean we're─" Blake interrupted me by pressing her lips against mine. I kissed back and put my hands around her waist. After a couple of seconds, we broke the kiss and Blake said, "There's your answer."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

The Voltage Cat: Blake Belladonna X Male Cat Faunus ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now