Vol. 2 Ch. 17 The Dance Drama

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Blake's POV

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Neo eating ice cream)

I was waiting for Y/N, so we could head to the ballroom for the dance. I check the time on my Scroll, which read 7:36pm. Y/N said he'd pick me up at 7, so where is he? I thought. I guess I'll just meet him in the ballroom.

I went to the ballroom and Yang asked, "Hey, Blake. You made it! Where's Y/N? I thought you two were going to be showing up together." I nodded and said, "We were, but he was supposed to pick me up over half an hour ago. So I decided to wait for him here." Yang nodded and said, "Alright."

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Ruby jumping into a mountain of cookies)

The dance was over and Y/N never showed up. At one point, Sun asked me if I wanted to dance and ended up accepting his offer. I couldn't believe that my own boyfriend had stood me up. I felt a couple tears run down my face. Yang came over to me and said, "Blake, what's wrong?" I sniffled and said, "Y/N stood me up. He never showed up." Yang hugged me and said, "Let's go to his dorm and confront him about it." I nodded slowly and followed Yang to Y/N's dorm.

I knocked on the door and received no answer. I opened the door and found the room completely empty. What scared me was that Y/N's Scroll was still sitting on his bed and his weapons were sitting on his dresser. I held my hands over my mouth and said, "Yang, I don't think he stood me up. I think something happened to him when he went to get a suit for the dance." Yang hugged me and said, "We'll look for him after our mission tomorrow is finished, I promise."

I cried into her shoulder and said, "Would you mind if I slept in his dorm tonight?" Yang smiled and said, "I don't mind at all. I'll let the rest of our team know. I'll be sure to stop by and get you before we go to auditorium." I nodded and wiped away my tears. Then Yang left and I closed the door. I took off my dress, leaving me in only my panties. I climbed into Y/N's bed, which smelled like him. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Your POV

I woke up in a cold and dark area. Once my vision finally cleared, I looked around and saw that I was tied to a chair in a cavern of some sort. Then I heard a voice say, "Oh look, the cat's awake." I turned and saw someone who I wasn't expecting to see standing there.

Who do you think it is? It might not be who you think.
Master out.

The Voltage Cat: Blake Belladonna X Male Cat Faunus ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now