Vol. 3 Ch. 26 Seeing Things

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Your POV

I was watching the match going on and glanced up at the stands and saw something that shocked me. I couldn't believe what I saw in front of me, just across the stadium was the wolf Faunus, Violet, sitting in the crowd but it couldn't be, why would she be here of all places, with this many people and in broad daylight no less. While lost in my thoughts, I suddenly felt myself being shook by someone.

I turned and Blake said, "Y/N? Are you okay? You looked like you saw a ghost." I quickly turned back to see the seat that she was in is now empty. I frantically looked around until I caught a glimpse of a purple blur leaving through one of the exits. I got up and said, "I've got to go."

I dashed to the nearest exit, not paying attention to Blake or anyone else calling after me, shoving pass anyone in my way until I made it outside. I looked around, saying, "Where is she, I know that I saw her." Then Yang asked, "Saw who? Y/N, what is up with you?"

I turned to see Blake and Yang standing behind me each with a mixed look of worry and concern on their faces, I shook my head trying to compose myself before forcing a laugh and saying, "There was this guy I met earlier, just thought I saw him. I guess I was just seeing things." Yang rolled her eyes and walked away. Blake looked at me and said, "Are you okay?" I nodded and said, "I'm fine, Blake." She nodded and walked away. I must've been seeing things, I thought.

Time Skip
(Brought to you by Chibi Y/N, Chibi Blake, and Chibi Zwei hiding from Chibi Weiss vacuuming the room)

Blake and I were drinking tea when we saw Penny get destroyed. We rushed outside and started fighting the Grimm. Then we heard from Yang that the White Fang were letting Grimm into the school.

I know that this chapter was kinda short and weird, but I kinda wanted to skip to the Fall of Beacon because I had some ideas.
Master out.

The Voltage Cat: Blake Belladonna X Male Cat Faunus ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now