🌻𝓲 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓭

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san is just really sad. wooyoung tries to comfort him.

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san had barely left the warmth if his bed all day. the black haired boy just felt so empty and sad. he sighed turing over to face the window as tears pricked his eyes. he had been thinking about wooyoung leaving him a lot lately. the thought of loosing the small blond boy recaked havoc on his heart.

he sniffled, feeling a tear crawl down his cheek. before he could brush it away he heard the door creak open. a soft voice broke the silence in the room, "sannie?"

the older boy didn't move, he closed his eyes making more tears fall down. san felt the boy crawl onto their bed.

san opened his eyes and was met with the concerned gaze if his lover. he didn't say anything as he sat up. wooyoung scooted closer to the sa boy, trying to clear his cheeks of tears. upon feeling the gently finger tips of the younger boy caressing his tear streaked cheeks, san began to cry again.

"oh, sannie-" wooyoung spoke softly, engulfing the black haired boy in a tight hug.

san buried his face in wooyoung's neck, pulling the younger boy closer and holding him tighter- as if he was afraid to let him go.

the blond began to write multiple 'i love you' s on san's back, knowing it would help to calm him down. he felt him self being pulled onto san's lap, as the older boy continued to sob. wooyoung swayed their bodies back and forth, trying desperately to calm his lover down.

after he had successfully done so, wooyoung spoke up. "what happened?"

san pulled his face from wooyoung's neck, looking into the younger's sparkling brown eyes. his voice was a little raspy from crying so much, "n-nothing happened, woo."

wooyoung placed a few kisses underneath san's jawline, he pulled away and spoke with a comforting voice. "then what made you so upset?"

san opened his mouth but no words came out.

the blond planted more kisses around san's face and underneath his jawline. once he had sensed the older boy had calmed down even more he spoke up again, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." his arms tightened around san, "it doesn't matter what it is, i'll still be here for you."

for the first time a small smile made it's way upon san's lips. he knew wooyoung loved him, and he loved wooyoung. but the doubts were just so strong today.  "i'm scared you'll leave me.." the ravenette spoke, voice drifting off towards the end.

wooyoung kissed his cheek again, "i'll never leave you. you complete me. i love you so much." he paused and placed a soft kiss on san's lips , feeling the other respond. he pulled away seeing san smiling at him now. the blond giggled before putting their noses together. "i feel loved, i feel so special~"

san lightly chuckled at the younger boy's cheesiness. but he loved it. he loved how sweet and caring wooyoung was. he loved how blond knew how to cheer him up. he loved wooyoung so dearly.

"i love you, i'm sorry for being so dramatic.."

wooyoung kissed his lips again. this time when he pulled away a pout lingered on the blond's lips. "you weren't being dramatic, you were sad.  but don't ever think about that ever again because i'm going no where." he kissed san's cheek again, "my home is right here." the younger boy softly poked at san's chest.

the older boy pulled the other even closer to himself, holding him like now tomorrow. when they finally parted from their embrace, san placed his lips upon the wooyoung's. this kiss lasted longer than the pervious two they had just shared and was filled with pure love and adoration for eachother.

as they both pulled away smiles invaded both of their features. "come on, let's go get you some food. you've practically been in here all day!" the blond got up off of san's lap and the bed soon after.

san followed soon after, intertwining their hands as they headed to the kitchen. as he was swaying their hands back and forth, he knew he loved jung wooyoung with all of his being.

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