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people have been making fun of wooyoung, while he was at school. he tired his best to keep san unaware, but eventually he breaks down to him.

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wooyoung laid on his back, the soft bed consuming him. he stared blankly at the ceiling as thoughts roamed his head.

throughout the past year- their senior year in high school, he had been getting bullied. it was bad enough that sometimes the blond boy would arrive home with scratches or bruises. but he was able to quickly cover them with clothing or makeup before anyone noticed. or at least that's what he thought.

san knew something was happening to his boy friend. he could tell wooyoung was hiding something from him. the younger boy had worn long shirts for so long and when they were in public he would barely speak out, that was completely out of character for him.

a tear silently rolled down wooyoung's cheek, followed by another. soon the boy was silently crying while still looking at his ceiling. he wanted to tell san so badly. but he didn't want to bother the older boy with his problems.

suddenly the blond's phone buzzed. he sat up, wiping his cheeks in an attempt to rid them of tears. it was a message from san, as expected. when wooyoung opened it tho, he was a bit shocked.



i'm coming over
read at 6:47pm


the younger boy didn't even respond to his boy friend. instead he dropped  his phone on his sheets and made a b-line for the bathroom. once inside he made more of an attempt to clear his cheeks of tears.

he knew san would most likely already be on his way. and the boy was right. not a moment later his doorbell rang. he raced down the stairs, heading in the direction of the front door. wooyoung drew in a breath before turning the metaloc door knob.

he plastered a smile on his face, when he saw san standing on his porch. the ravenette's face showed no sign of happiness. but instead a look of concern was written all over his face. the smile quickly, yet unintentionally dissapeared from wooyoung's lips.

"woo, we need to talk.."

the serious tone of san's voice almost scared wooyoung. he let the boy in as tears pricked lightly at the backs of his eyes.

the pair made their way to sit on wooyoung's couch. the younger grabbed a pillow and pulled it into his lap. he knew this conversation would be hard. so instead of looking at san he began playing with said pillow.

"wooyoung. look at me."
san's voice was full of concern, just like his facial expression.

wooyoung lifted his head up to meet the older boy's caramel eyes. "what did you want to talk about sannie?"

the older boy sighed before scooting closer to wooyoung. he pulled the pillow from the other's lap in one swift motion. wooyoung squeaked as he was hoisted onto san's lap. they did this often, but the tension between them was so dense at the moment.

"i know something is wrong."
san spoke into wooyoung's neck, sending goosebumps down the blond's body.

"i'm fine-"
wooyoung felt san's arms tighten around his waist.

"please tell me. please."

the younger boy could hear the desperation practically dripping from san's voice. a sudden wave of guilt washed over him. "i don't want to bother you.."

"it's not bothering me at all.. what does bother me though, is when you don't tell me if something is wrong."

just like that tears began to roll down his cheeks once again. wooyoung pushed himself further into san's embrace, inhaling his mesmerizing scent. the crying blond shoved his face in the crook of san's neck as he tried to control his sobs. "they're j-just so mean to me.." he spoke through a soft tone, muffled by the other's neck.

"who is bothering you?"
the older boy held the other even tighter as he began to cry.

"so many people.."

although wooyoung's voice was still muffled, san heard it and was immediately infuriated. "what are they doing to you, bub?"

"they s-say mean things to me, call me names, and lately," the sobbing boy sniffled as san began to rub his back. "lately.. they've b-een hurting me.."

a pang went though the older boy's heart. he wished so badly that wooyoung had told him about the bullying before things turned physical. but there was nothing he could do to change that. now he could only protect the sweet boy in his arms from those nasty people.

san placed a small kiss behind wooyoung's ear. after doing so the younger boy pulled his face from the other's neck, engaging in eye contact. he sniffled and whimpered san's name when the ravenette began to wipe his tears away.

"i'll protect you, angel. i promise they'll never hurt you again, whether it be physically or emotionally." he kissed wooyoung's cheek after he had cleared it of tears.

"you don't have to sannie. i can do it by mysel-"

"oh hush, it's my job as your boyfriend." he gently kissed the blond boy, who gladly kissed back.

san pulled away. a soft whine left wooyoung's lips, wanting more. the ravenette just giggled and peck his cherry lips once more.

"can we watch a movie sannie?"
wooyoung spoke, tone sprinkled with exhaustion.

"of course, little one." and with that san pecked the bridge of the younger boy's nose before laying fully back on the couch. wooyoung laid down ontop of the boy, once again buring his face in san's chest.

the older boy put on some random movie and laid down again. he began playing with the other's soft blond locks, knowing wooyoung was tired and that the action would help him fall asleep. it worked and the boy eventually closed his eyes.

the sleepy boy then muttered, "sannie, don't go.." while burrowing deeper into his hold.

san kissed his forehead before holding him even tighter, "i'm not going anywhere baby."

he wasn't expecting a reply after noticing the younger boy's light snores. but to his surprise, the ravenette heard wooyoung softly whisper, "you're my savior.."

before fully drifting off.

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