🥀𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓶𝓮

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san has been acting unusual cold and cruel ti wooyoung for the past few months. wooyoung believes san fell out of love with him. so, he leave the older boy.

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"WOOYOUNG!" the ravenette roared. his eyes glaring down at the younger boy.

"for the last time! leave! me! be!"

wooyoung inhaled deeply, closing his eyes, before muttering, "ok." he didn't even look at san as he turned himself, walking away from the older boy.

their relationship was everything they could've asked for, at the begining. but within the last few months, wooyoung noticed san becoming distant. the dark haired boy wasn't even clingy with wooyoung anymore.

after getting over the initial shock and sadness, wooyoung confided in yeosang- who suggested he should leave san. at first the blond boy was against it but as time went by, things only got worse. eventually he decided their individual happiness was more important.

wooyoung walked away from san's studio into their shared room. he grabbed a suitcase from their closet, putting clothing and items of value inside. since he had been preparing for this, a few of his things were already at yeasong's place. wooyoung was extremely thankful that his best friend was letting him stay at his house. until he scraped enough money together to live on his own.

after packing the suitcase, the boy once again took a deep breath. before leaving the room, he pulled out a piece of paper and wrote a note to san. with a little sigh, wooyoung made his way towards the doorway. he turned around once again, scanning the room. joyous memories flooded his mind. but he let them all go, as he closed the door.

as the younger boy walked to the front door, he was stopped by san's concerned voice behind him. "woo?" wooyoung turned around to face the other. "what are you doing?"

for the first time in a while, wooyoung saw an emotion besides anger or annoyance on san's face. he could tell the the older boy was scared, scared of loosing him. but that didn't matter anymore, san had already lost wooyoung.

"i'm doing something that i should've done a long time ago, san." wooyoung tired to keep his tone steady, he had cried enough over this.

"w-what do you mean?"

"san. we're over."

as those words escaped wooyoung's lips, san felt his heart shatter. this couldn't be happening. he knew that he had been cold to wooyoung for a while but he was just stressed. even though the boy knew it wasn't wooyoung's fault.

"woo, please. i'm so sorry-"

san was cut off by the cold tone of wooyoung's voice. "no san. you're not sorry. this has been going on for months. i knew you were stressed and overwhelmed and i tried to help you. i tried to give you space. i tried to be there for you. and i tried to rekindle our love, but nothing worked. that's when i realized you never really wanted me. it's time we part ways, goodbye choi san." wooyoung drew in a shaky breath, staring back at a shocked san. it seemed like the black haired boy's eyes were watering at the younger's words, but wooyoung didn't care. "and don't call me 'woo'. i'm not yours anymore."

the blond turned his back to the pleading boy and walked out the door. san didn't chase after him.


it had been an hour since wooyoung had left. san hadn't moved from his place on their- his couch. he reached over, grabbing a tissue to wipe his face. he tried to wipe his tears away but they just kept streaming down his cheeks. after trying several times, the ravenette just gave up. he looked down at the floor, seeing one of wooyoung's sweatshirts he had left behind.

san quickly dove to grab the garment, buring his face into the soft fabric. it still smelled of the younger boy. san sobbed even harder, knowing he might not ever smell that aroma again.


hours passed by and by the time san had entered his bedroom the sky had darkened. a part of him wanted to sleep on the couch but what he really wanted to do was snuggle up in the sheets, and pretend the blond boy was still with him.

but before he could do any of that, he saw a piece of paper laying neatly on the sheets. he lunged towards it, seeing it was from wooyoung. he began frantically, yet carefully tearing it open. more sobs burst through his throat as he read the hand written note.

'dear san,
it hurts to write this, it hurts so much. but hopefully this pain will be worth it in the future.

you and i both know our relationship has changed. our beginning was so euphoric, i honestly thought you were my soulmate. but now looking back i was so naive, blinded by my love for you.

within these last few months, you've been a lot colder to me. i knew what we had was officially coming to an end. we simply fell out of love.

as we close this chapter in our lives, we end the memories intertwined within it. thank you san for those memories. and even though our spark has been extinguished, don't forget me.

-jung wooyoung '

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