🥀𝓲'𝓶 𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂

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wooyoung doesn't think he'll ever be enough-

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tears rolled down wooyoung's cheeks as he faced his reflection. no matter how hard he practiced or how many meals he had skipped- he never saw himself where he wanted to be.

the blond wanted to be strong like his other members but he couldn't. he wanted to be happy like them. he wanted to truly smile and laugh. he wanted to enjoy the life being an artist offered, but he just couldn't. wooyoung couldn't be happy.

he wanted nothing more than to tell somebody- anybody, how empty he was feeling. but he didn't want to put that burden onto anyone. the blond was tired of bothering people. he was sick of useless therapy and fake smiles. this was the only thing that forced him to keep his senses grounded, yet it was one of the things breaking him apart.

sniffling again, the boy turned away from the bathroom mirror to open the nearby drawer. his hand shook a bit against the handle, knowing it's contents but honestly he didn't care anymore. he just needed to feel something, even if it meant pain.

he reached inside and grabbing the glistening blade, holding it carefully between his pale fingers. wooyoung glanced at his broken reflection once more, closing his eyes, and slowly dragging the blade against the soft skin of his wrists. he winced as the metal ripped open his flesh. it hurt so bad but it felt so good.

after he had done it a few more times he looked down at the cut skin, feeling a sense of relief yet disappointment wash over him. his brown eyes looked up at his reflection once again. tears wanting desperately to fall down his flushed cheeks once again. but before they could a knock at the door interrupted them.

"youngie, you've been there a while. are you ok, sweetheart?" san's voice was slightly muffled through the bathroom door, but the younger boy understood him fully.

wooyoung could only whimper in response. partly due to the pain, but also due to the fact that he was afraid. afraid of breaking down infront on the person he loved the most. he slumped against the bathroom counter, sliding onto the ground. the blade clinked as it hit the tile.

"baby, hongjoong gave me the spare key. i'm coming in ok?"

before wooyoung could muster up some soft of reply, san was already opening the door. wooyoung's worst fear had officially came true.

once the ravenette saw wooyoung sitting on the floor in the condition he was in, the older boy dove strait down to his level. san held the sobbing boy tightly, kissing his forehead. he immediately noticed wooyoung's injured wrist and knew.

san silently lifted up the broken boy, sitting him on the counter. he then proceeded to grab wooyoung's injured wrist, cleaning the wounds. the younger boy hissed when he began doing so. san leaned closer to him and peppered his tear streaked cheeks with kisses, distracting him from the pain. once the ravenette was done, he wrapped bandages securely around it.

he then focused his gaze onto wooyoung's cheeks, seeing tears still roll down them. san wetted a wash cloth before cleaning them too. the younger boy sniffled and cried a bit more into his lover's gentle touch but he was quickly hushed by the other.

once he was done, san wrapped his arms securely around wooyoung, holding him like the most fragile thing in the world. the blond shook as another sobbed rocked through his body, san only held him tighter.

pulling away a bit, the older boy kissed his forehead before wiping the newly formed tears from wooyoung's cheeks one again. no words were spoken as a tear slid from one of san's eyes as well. the younger boy was quick to wipe it away, placing a kiss where it had been.

san pecked wooyoung's lips before bringing their foreheads together. by now wooyoung's tears had stopped, only crawling down his face occasionally. he sniffled before speaking to his love, "i-i'm so-rry. i just- i- i lo-ve you s-sannie..."

san pulled their foreheads apart only to peck the younger boy's plump lips once again. his hand brushed the blond hair away from wooyoung's face, making it's way to caress his cheek. the other leaned into san's touch as the older boy spoke, words laced with determination, love, and sadness. "you have nothing t-to be sorry for ok? we'll get you the help you need, the help yo-u deserve ok? i love you and nothing will change that."

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