🌻𝓶𝔂 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮

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two princes fall in love. (royal au.)

will contain:
fluff (kithesss)


a muffled giggle escaped the small prince's lips as he hid behind a wine colored curtain. playing hide and seek was almost a routine for the two princes. seeing as how their parents ruled over different areas of korea, meetings were common between them. the boys obviously saw a lot of eachother so naturally, a close friendship blossomed.

"wooyoungie~ where are you?~" the 13 year old prince taunted, pretending not to see the other's shoes poking out from beneath the curtain.

another muffled giggle escaped from the boy's lips. the 12 year old- wooyoung slowly wrapped his fingers around the edge of the fabric, attempting to take a peak at san's whereabouts.

he cautiously moved the curtain back, his brown eyes scanning the room for any sign of the older prince. a sigh of relief escaped his lips when he didn't see san. wooyoung quickly moved the curtain open and dashed for the hallway, trying to make it to the nearby bathroom.

he didn't get very far though as san soon popped out from bedroom. his arm braley grazed wooyoung's back, in a failed attempt to grab him. the younger let out a shriek and began to run faster yelling the words, "betcha can't catch me sannie!!" behind him.

a smile crept it's way onto san's lips as he watched the 12 year old run down the hallway and make a sharp turn to the right. he absolutely loved seeing wooyoung so happy, and he would do anything to keep him this way. so after a few extra seconds the older prince began to dash after him, letting taunting words flow out of his mouth as he tries to catch up to the boy.

4 years later

san and wooyoung cuddled under the younger's sheets. even though it was only early fall, the 16 year old prince had complained about being cold. so naturally san had him lay down strait away. their legs intertwined messily as the older boy pulled wooyoung into his chest. he felt the other nuzzle into him, before letting his body go completely lax in san's hold.

"sannie?" questioned the younger boy, voice dripping with tiredness.

"yes, sweetheart?"

"don't leave me."

san looked down at the tired boy in his embrace. the younger looked up, meeting san's eyes. a fond smile grew on the 17 year old's lips as he spoke trying to sooth wooyoung, "i won't ever leave your side. even if you try, you won't be able to get rid of me." he brushed a strand of wooyoung's hair away, hand slowly moving to caress the boy's cheek.

the older prince felt wooyoung mumble something into his chest. he was about so ask him to repeat himself, but little snores followed soon after.

another fond smile broke out upon san's lips as he looked at the sleeping boy cuddled into his chest. he moved to place a small kiss on the other's forehead, earning a small groan in response. the prince then buried his face in wooyoung's dark locks, inhaling his vanilla scent. the thought of the younger danced in his head as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

oh how he would love to make the smaller prince his.

2 years later

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