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yeosang cheats on wooyoung. the heart broken boy then goes to san for comfort and finds he never needed yeosang's love.

will contain:
(also yeosang is an ABSOLUTE sweetheart irl, i'm just using his name to fill in a character)


it was just like any other saturday. san had just plopped down onto his very comfortable couch with a few snacks, ready to catch up on some t.v. but just as the ravenette was settling into a blanket, his phone buzzed. with a slight groan, he paused the t.v and headed out into the kitchen.

san grabbed his phone from the kitchen counter and made his way back to the comfortable couch. before resuming the show he checked to see who had messaged him. the ravenette wasn't surprised when he saw that it was wooyoung. a small smile blossomed on his lips at the thought about the pretty blond boy.

he quickly unlocked his phone and his smile soon dropped.



san, can i come over?


san knew something was wrong right away. wooyoung never called him san, never. the ravenette sent back a quick 'of course' , before returning back to his show for a moment. but he couldn't focus on the plot anymore. he was too worried about the blond boy on his way over.

it wasn't long before san heard soft knocks on his apartment door. getting up from his seat, the ravenette quickly turned off the t.v before heading to the door.

once san had opened the it, something was obviously wrong with wooyoung. his cheeks were rosy and his eyes were slightly puffy, indicating he had been crying. the boy also had his large grey hoodie on, something he only wore when he was feeling down.

before wooyoung could even speak, san engulfed him in a loving hug. he held the younger boy for a moment before realizing they were in a door way.. and they should probably get inside. san carefully took the boy's smaller hand, leading him over to the couch.

both boys sat down, no words spoken between them. the older boy scooted closer to wooyoung, eventually pulling the blond boy onto his lap. even though the pair labeled themselves as best friends, they often shared questionable skinship. it was wholesome though and they enjoyed it. 

san didn't know when it happened but one day wooyoung suddenly had a boyfriend, yeosang. wooyoung seemed happy at first but then san started to notice- it seemed like his boyfriend was holding the him back from doing the things he loved. the older boy was not ok with this at all and secretly despised their relationship. he hated to admit it but he was jealous of yeosang. he wanted to be the one holding wooyoung. and knowing that yeosang was taking advantage of being the younger boy's boyfriend made san furious.

that didn't matter right now though, as wooyoung was currently curled up in san's embrace, face buried in his chest. the ravenette drew little shapes on wooyoung's back as he spoke to the boy, "do you wanna tell me what's wrong, woo?"

the younger boy lifted his face to be at eye level with san. he felt san's hands run down his sides to his hips, holding him in place. wooyoung looked away from the boy's concerned stare for a moment, taking in a deep breath. "he cheated on me sannie.."

as those words left wooyoung's cherry lips, san felt his blood beginning to boil. he tightened his grip on the younger boy, pulling him into a hug once again. the ravenette let a little growl leave his lips as he spoke, "i swear to god if i ever see that pathetic excuse for a human being again.. he won't-"

"san.." there it was again.

the blond's chin was currently resting on san's shoulder, melting into the hug completely. san felt him sigh, it tickled his neck a little but he tried to ignore it.

"please.. just..don't talk about him a-anymore."

suddenly, san felt warm tears through his shirt fabric laying on his shoulder. wooyoung was crying. "hey, hey, it's ok. shh it's ok." he lulled, trying to calm the blond boy down.

wooyoung hiccuped lightly as he tried to stop the tears from flowing. he felt san pull away from the hug. "woo, look at me."

with that the younger boy lifted his chin from san's shoulder and faced the dark haired boy again. san's hands made their way to wooyoung's cheeks, ridding them of tears. the pair made eye contact as a fond smile swept across san's features.

"woo, i know it's hard. but honestly think about how much he was holding you back. what he showed you was toxic, you don't need that 'love'. you're worth so much more than that." the boy paused, "i love you and i'll always be here for you, ok?"

the blond nodded his head, a small smile on his lips as he responded. "i love you too, sannie." the ravenette always knew how to help him. wooyoung then found himself staring at the older boy's lips. san seemed to notice as a small smirk was soon placed upon them.

closing his eyes for a moment, wooyoung drew in another deep breath before exhaling. he loved san so much even though he knew the boy would never feel the sam- "can i kiss you sannie?" wooyoung didn't even notice the words had fell from his lips until he saw san's smirk grow. the blond's eyes widened in shock, he couldn't believe he said that aloud.

san gave a light chuckle before replying, "sure, sweetheart."

before wooyoung even started to process the conversation san's lips were already on his own. the softness of the older boy's lips moving against his was to die for. the blond melted into the kiss practically right away. that's when he realized he truly loved san with all of his heart, soul, and being.

and san was right, he didn't need that 'love' from yeosang. what wooyoung needed had been right in front of him for so long.

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