🌻𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓴𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓻

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wooyoung is stressed and sore and san knows just what to do.

will contain


"and that's a wrap! great job guys!" their choreographer praised, a smile evident on his lips.

all 8 boys were drained to the max. their come back season was just around the corner and this choreography was their hardest yet. san wiped sweat off of his forehead, pushing back his black hair. he looked over at his boyfriend, who laid spread out panting on the wooden floor.

the older boy quickly retrieved two water bottles from a near by table before walking over to wooyoung. san sat next to the blond boy, handing him a bottle. wooyoung sat up, wincing a little, before giving san a grateful smile, and grabbing the water out of his boyfriend's hand. he took a sip, placing it back onto the ground.

after their breathing recovered to a normal pace, wooyoung looked over at san, muttering a small 'thank you'. the black haired boy looked at the other, ruffling his already messy hair and placing a peck on his soft cheek.

"no problem, baby. now let's get back to the dorms before it gets too dark out." san finished his water and stood up, offering a hand to wooyoung.

the blond grabbed san's hand and hoisted himself off of the floor. he winced once again when he fully stood up, pain shooting through his back and thighs.

san immediately noticed his lover's pained expression. "woo what's wrong? are you feeling ok?" he placed the back of his hand on wooyoung's forehead.

the blond giggled at san's cuteness. obviously he was going to be hot, they had just practiced for hours on end. never the less he let the older boy continue. san pulled back his hand, concern laced within his voice. "oh my goodness honey, you're burning up!"

wooyoung then placed his own hand on san's forehead, feeling the other boy's temperature as well. another giggled escaped his lips, "you're warm too sannie. but really though, i'm fine. i'm just a bit sore today."

san's hand moved from wooyoung's forehead to cup his chin. "are you sure? where are you sore, angel?"

"just my thighs and back... i'm fine to wall back thou-"

"nope, get on my back."

wooyoung looked at the other boy, eyes widening. "san, you literally just danced for hours and now you wanna carry me back to the dorms." wooyoung scanned san's face for any sigh that he was joking, "there's no way i'm getting onto your back, i'll literally break you.."

"nonsense. now get on, princess."

"but san... i-"

"nope. get on my back now, jung wooyoung." san replied back, releasing wooyoung's chin from his grip and turning away from him.

wooyoung sighed before reluctantly making his way to stand behind san. he put his hands on san's broad shoulder, preparing himself to jump. the blond bit his bottom, attempting to muffle any sounds of discomfort. the last thing he wanted to do was alarm his already concerned boyfriend.

the younger boy jumped and san's arms caught his thighs, securely holding him on his back. wooyoung mentally whined at the feeling at first before he leaned into his boyfriend's back, snuggling his face into san's neck.  wooyoung didn't realize how tired he was until the other boy began to walk in the direction of their dormitory, which wasn't too far.

the blond closed his eyes and melted more into san, earning a soft chuckle from the older boy. "you tired?"

wooyoung nodded his head in response, his blond hair unknowingly tickling san's neck.

once inside their dorm, san refused to put wooyoung down. the other boy grew too tired as he was virtually limp against san's back. the ravenette entered the kitchen to quickly grab a bottle of pain killers from their medicine cabinet before heading to their shared bedroom.

as he climed up the stairs, he felt wooyoung's breathing begin to soften. a light smile was plastered on san's face as he opened the door, softly closing it behind them soon after. the ravenette backed up and gently scooted wooyoung to lay on the bed. the sleeping younger boy whined in his sleep, feeling the loss of contact.

san quickly left the room and headed back down into the kitchen, filling up a glass of water. he was happy to see wooyoung still asleep as he entered their room once again. the older boy internally cooed at the sight of his lover- messy blond hair jutting out in different directions, lips pouted, as little breaths rang out through the room.

san sighed, knowing he had to wake up the younger boy. but before doing so, he went into his closet picking out one of his sweatshirts for wooyoung, along with a pair of shorts. he sat down next to the sleeping boy and brushed his blond locks from his eyes, then pecking him on the lips. the boy then started to rub soothing circles on wooyoung's sides.

"woo, baby wake up for a minute.."  san spoke, voice dripping with love and affection.

wooyoung whined before turning his back towards san.

the older boy let out another sigh as he rubbed shapes on the other's back, "angel, come on. just for a minute ok?"

wooyoung awoke with a soft huff, groggily looking as san. "sannie?" his voice came out small and a bit higher than usual.

"hi baby. i'm so sorry to wake you up but here-" san reached beside him to grab the pill bottle on the nightstand. "..take one of these. they'll make you feel better, angel."

wooyoung looked at san with tired eyes before nodding his head. san took off the lid and handed a pill to the younger, giving him the glass of water as well. after the blond swallowed the pain killer the ravenette placed a kiss on his forehead.

"here, change into these too, baby. then we can go to sleep ok?" san said in a soft tone handing wooyoung the hoodie and shorts.

the blond reluctantly got up from the soft bed and went into the bathroom. it didn't take him long and he soon waddled his way back to the bed joining san beneath the covers. the younger boy snuggled into the boy's chest as he felt san's arms wrap securely around his frame. even though it was dark, wooyoung still managed to place his hand on the ravenette's cheek, bringing him into a proper kiss.

it didn't last very long as both boys were exhausted but the kiss was soft and filled with all of the passion and love they had for eachother. they both pulled away. wooyoung soon nuzzling his face into san's neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent.

san placed a few kissed on wooyoung's exposed shoulder as he rubbed soothing shapes onto the blond's back.

wooyoung's voice was muffled as he spoke but still audible, "thank you for taking care of me sannie." he paused and gently kissed san's neck. "i love you.."

the older boy held wooyoung even closer as he responded, voice raspy yet soft. "goodnight, princess. i love you too."

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