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wooyoung is practically addicted to candles. san finds the other boy's hobby adorable.

will contain


"sannie!" the younger boy lightly tugged at the ravenette's arm, "can we look in there, please??" wooyoung's eyes were filled with hope as he looked up into san's. the blond gestured to the nearby candle shop, a huge smile breaking out onto his beautiful features.

san sighed, a smile making it's way onto his own face. "woo, you have like 30 candles at home. why do you want more?" the blackhaired boy intertwined their fingers, swaying their hands back and forth.

"can we just look? looking is different than buying.."

the taller boy looked at his boyfriend. a light pout had formed on wooyoung's lips as he defended his reasoning. san let a light chuckle pass through his lips as he let out a breath. "sure babe, if you really want to."

and with that wooyoung's face lit up again, quickly placing a small peck onto the other's lips. a smile took over his once pouty lips as the couple walked towards the shop.

san really didn't mind the shorter boy's addiction to candles at all. if it made wooyoung happy, he was all for it. and from the way the blond was softly humming and swinging their hands back and forth as they made their way towards the shop entrance- he knew it really did.

once they pushed open the glass doors, san was immediately hit with the strong aroma of many different candles. he looked over at his lover, whose eyes were sparkling as he scanned over the various shades and scents.

whenever the younger boy opened a candle to smell it, he would always lift it up to san's nose as well. wooyoung would always ask the ravenette his thoughts on the smells, taking his opinion into consideration, his eyebrows slightly wrinkled in thought. san found this devastatingly cute.

"hmm," wooyoung faced san, while holding a candle in each hand. "which one do you like better? i've narrowed my favorites down to these two and i don't know which one i like better-" the blond then let san smell each candle, eyes full of anticipation.

the older boy couldn't help himself as he mentally cooed at his lover. "you like them both, yeah?"

the blond nodded, the anticipation in his eyes turned to slight confusion.

"that's fine then, let's get both." the taller boy spoke, a smile making it's way onto his face once again.

"but we don't have to get any, i was just wondering what one you liked better. after all i said we were just looking, not buyin-" wooyoung rambled on, feeling slightly guilty.

while he was talking san lightly snatched the two candles out of his hands and proceeded to walk to the register. before wooyoung could stop him, the ravenette was already paying for them.

wooyoung stood slightly off to the side, waiting for san with a small smile on his lips. when the boy turned around, candles in hand, wooyoung's smile grew. but instead of smiling about the candles, he was smiling because he had such an amazing boyfriend. nobody had ever made him feel this loved before and he hoped he could reciprocate that same feeling for san.

"you didn't have to do that.." the blond started after lacing their hands together again.

the two boys exited the shop as the warm spring breeze hit them. "but i did, i love seeing you get all giddy and happy."

"but i'm the happiest with you."

"i know, baby." san smiled at the younger boy, stroking his hand that was intertwined with his own.

after a quick walk both boys soon made it home. the both retreated into their bedroom as wooyoung lit one of the candles the older boy had bought for him, setting it on top of their desk. the sweet scent of lavender invaded the room as both boys crawled under the covers together.

wooyoung's face was buried in san's chest as the older boy's hand were kneeding through the other's blond locks. even though it was only the afternoon, they spent the rest if their day like this- cuddled up to eachother. their limbs tangled as they didn't want any space in between them, sharing lazy kisses as the sun went down.

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