Greatest Guru

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"Karna, come down now. I've brought lunch." said a girl standing at the fence the track. The sun behind her back hid her features, I only realized who it was because of her voice. 

"Huh!? Vrushali?" 

The skittish mare took its chance when my attention fell apart for an instant and before I knew it, I was on the ground with my head eating the dirt and my legs still stuck on the saddle of the horse. 

"Stop! Stop! Stop!.....lech...."

"Oh, Goody boy! There you go, boy." 

Father calmed the kittenish mare before she panicked and dragged me on for a ride like a sack of potatoes skidding across the track. He then unhooked my legs from the saddle and they came down like a rock.

"Let's go. Lunch is here!" he said trying to control his laugh. While I controlled the stinging jolts firing in my ankle.

We took off to the tree near the palace stables to eat in its shadows.

"Sorry, I should've waited till you were done.

You didn't hurt yourself did you?" Vrushali said holding the bag that had the spicy and tangy scent of curry as we sat down to eat.

"Well!..... not much," I lied.

"But don't do that often.

My legs are tough, but not more than that of a horse." I said 

"Hey, don't be too hard. The girl was just caring.

Look what you've done to Vrushali?" said father, with a smirk. What is he thinking?

But sure enough, Vrushali was torn and was looking down at my ankle which was slightly blue and bruised.

"Can I....."

"No, not required, I'll take a look at it later..

Besides it's nothing." I slid my foot away from her. 

" don't have to do that,"  I screamed because suddenly my father just for no apparent reason at all pressed his leg upon my blue ankle.

"Then tell the truth, Idiot." father said.

"It's ......It's just slightly bruised." I said stammering gruffly.

Vrushali chuckled.

"See that's why I didn't want to."

But it was to no avail. He was trying to hide his laugh too.

"Then don't act tough," 

"I...I don't. What gave you that idea?"  I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Umm...where is Shon?' Vrushali asked all flustered up while not making our gaze. But thank the gods, she changed the topic.

"Oh...... he is in the stables washing the horses... He should be done by now. I'll go pick him up." with that said father stood up and walked away towards the royal stable. He was the caretaker of the royal mares and stallions that were used to ride and for war. Also, he was the charioteer of the most skilled warrior in this kingdom...The Pitama Bhishma. He was a happy and content man, despite being worked to death, he liked being near the mares and mules. His best side was seen when he rode them. Almost any horse will become his partner no matter how unruly one says it is. I've seen it with my own eyes the smile on his face when he rides the horses himself, it was much greater than when he gave a ride to Bhisma or taught the other princes how to ride. But was he truly happy behind or was there a man who wanted more cowering behind that smile? I wouldn't ask him because I know the answer already. 

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