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Finding alone time for myself in this overcrowded place was proving harder than I thought. First there were the duties of the court, then the training with Shon and Bali, and even after that the caretaking of the guests that were pressing over for the week. In this entire scuttling headache the peaceful time was of the bath. When no one was there to disturb me and I could take my time to focus and relax. So, I didn't waste any second of it, in fact if possible I stole more time to stay here. 

The rocks on the bank of the river felt soothing cold as I laid my back down on them. Every day after praying to the Surya(Sun) I took my time to enjoy this beautiful scenery. When birds chirped. The golden rays of the sun reflected off of the water and the gushing sound of the river just synced in with the air to make a beautiful song. This river had become a necessity as the guests had taken quite a liking to the baths, leaving me alone and in peace here. But today someone else had accompanied me here.

I noticed her not too long ago, standing on the sides waiting for me, watching quietly. She must have arrived shortly after me. Today I got out a little earlier than usual as I saw her clapping her hands and rubbing them to get warm. She was shivering even with all the extra clothing she had donned. The misty vapors exhaled from her mouth as she tried to keep her hands warm. Her nose had gone all red. I left the river and walked on the side of the bank where she stood, with my wet down pants dripping on the soft sand. She just stared at me as if the cold torturing her a minute ago did not affect at all now.

"I shiver every time I see your naked top. What has that brutal teacher done to you?" She said gasping on the scars.

"Really, I can't tell?" I jabbed at her, seeing how much she was shivering right now. "What are you doing here? Haven't seen you here before."

"Um.." She cleared her throat. "I have something to ask of you." Vrushali threw me a towel.

"Doesn't everyone?" I wiped the bead-like droplets from my face and body.

She sighed as the white vapors left her mouth. I noticed that her lips were tearing up. They were parched, flaky.

"Your grace!?" She was looking a little down.

By now I have lived with Vrushali for so long that I understood her expression. The expression that she had on the day we fought. She had the same face just before that fight.

"I just ..." She hesitated. "I just want to know, are you going to the swayamvar?"

On that quote, I raised my brow. How come she knows about it when I have told no one. I can't think the Kauravas or Ashwatthama would do that.

"So it was you, Last night." I chuckled, giving her the towel back. She didn't rebuke with anything. Just stood there leaning on the nearest tree. In its shadow, the blush on her cheeks seemed a little darker.

"Vrushali?" I asked. But she stood frozen. The rays of the sun shimmered as it came out of the clouds and bounced on the river. I took my pace to the castle, dripping water on the way when she ignored me.

"Wait...." She yelled from behind.

She came hurriedly and slowed down. First with a trot, then just walk. She had dropped the towel near the tree. I went back to get it. "You didn't answer........... Are you?" She was stuttering, even refused to meet my gaze.

Picking up the towel I said "Yes!".

The towel was wet, dripping. I picked it up to hand it over, but she wasn't there. She was running away." Weird?"


Everyone had gathered, the ten brothers, Ashwatthama, me, and Duryodhana. We all sat in the guest hall, few maids served the food and drinks. Some were as tense as a stretched wire. Some so loose that they couldn't focus on anything except for the chicken on the table. Dusashan hadn't changed his ways and was pulling the arms of one maid when my eyes met his gaze, He loosened his grip. Vrushali wasn't among them. I haven't seen her since morning.

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