The Training

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The training extended long in nights and began at early freezing dawn with runs around the Ashram and the slopes of the mountain with only my genitals protected by the fluttering cloth. After that Acharya would teach me about the world and its history about the gods and kingdoms. Then in the afternoon after breakfast, I would be plunged into the Ashrams training ground to practice without any weapon. Sometimes to test me, Acharya himself will become my opponent and beat me senseless till I faint. Although I could feel that by each passing day I was getting a little stronger, a little faster, My senses were getting sharper but it was still not enough to catch up to him. In the evening Acharya would ask me questions about the last week's teaching and I would answer them with my full capability. Then comes the night, Acharya would take me to a secluded cave or sometimes a solitary tip of the mountain and would teach me new skills and techniques to further increase my progress. Then after the session, It was my duty to clean and organize the Ashram's wares, repair and maintain its condition while guru prepared the supper. For the first year, Every day would be the same routine over and over again.

Acharya had warned me to never do any excess practice than allowed. But I knew that to be recognized and acknowledge by the society I have to work harder than anyone else. Every now and then, in the night while Acharya would be in a deep sleep I would steal a few hours and practice or meditate in the night to further enhance my state of mind and physical being and before the first ray of dawn could hit the Ashram I would sneak back into sleep.

After the first year passed Acharya finally started my weapon training, though I wasn't allowed to touch any other weapon except for the one I was training with. 

He gave me a choice to start with and naturally due to my love of arrows I picked the bow first.

During the practice in Archery, Acharya would correct my balance, the way I stand, the way I control my breathing. I became better at the most mundane of tasks. My hands became stronger, steadier, yet at the same time delicate while aiming. The archery was easy enough even with the heavier of bows, Acharya even praised me on occasions for my intense focus which he said rivalled his own. I was sure he was just falsely praising me so that I could work harder next time. The Archery training took the smallest of time, as Acharya one day stopped me and said he was finished with everything that was there to teach about the basics of that weapon.

Then came the axe, Acharya first taught me how to handle an axe before any classical sword or spear. I wondered why but then I understood as I practiced. The axe was heavier and not easy to move. Due to its wooden handle and stem, it was low on defence and could easily be cut by a sharp sword. Therefore I had to constantly dodge every blow that he sent at me while at the same time attacking him so as to avoid defending all the time. Of course, it doesn't help that Acharya is the master of this weapon. He rotated even the heaviest of axes on his fingertips. It was as though the axe was just another arm of his. It followed every command and flowed with his rhythm. I knew I was getting better and better at the art but, In the end, I couldn't beat him.

After that, it was turn for swords, spear and mace. They came in every shape and size. The small daggers, the long swords, the short spears and the heavy maces. Each one of them has their own quirk and peculiarities as if they were individuals, not weapons. As usual, Acharya allowed me to switch to another only when I had mastered the previous one. 

By now my whole body was covered with deep scars with every shape, size and depth. But somehow, I was inertly happy, I was getting to train under such an immortal Legend whose name was already written down in eternity. I always thought about what price Acharya had to pay to become this strong. He has collected a lot more scars like mine throughout his life. He would've avenged so many defeats and would've experienced many more battles. The thought made my heart jump through the roof. I wanted to be like him, I wanted to surpass him. I will suffer through any harm if I had to, just to touch this dream.

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