I Promise

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Chapter 10:  I Promise

"Show me again.

Again!!!" Pawani was as always jumpy to see me fly my arrows.

"OK! OK! I will,

But this will be the last time."

The sun was ready to dip in the far horizon. The entire area around the field was glowing with a velvety orange hue that spread in an even tight blanket ready to burst. While the cowherds were returning to the village from their regular day.

"That was Amazing, Gold ear." the little girl said while I was picking her up to carry on my back.

"I told you to stop calling me that!!

Geez, you must be a headache for your parents...

and...Why are you so heavy?" Though I only tried to lift her, when she climbed on her own quickly to my shoulders before the walk to her home started. 

"I am not!"

"Yes, you are, fatso!"

"I am not!

Besides, I barely had enough to eat before you.

Mom and Dad certainly are happy now that they have you helping them."

I could sense the depression in her words. The village was very near to the Hastinapur, (maybe only two-three days walk at best) and I have been living with Pawani's parents for a week now but I never saw a guard let alone a royal ram through here. Not even an herald. It's like it didn't exist for them. It felt peaceful here. T I had a fixed routine that I made for me. Helping the owners of the house with there work was where it mostly went to but there were a few hours when I could dedicate that to meditation or practice the archery. If I wanted to I could spend A few more months here but being so close to my journey's end had a gravitas to it. This was the final step. The final leap, one more push and I will be reunited with the family of my own. But the fear of rejection had bound my feet to this spot. That last bit of courage is very hard to gather. I always told myself that tomorrow I will leave for Hastinapur but at last, I end up shattering it instead of helping the elderly of the house and playing with their only daughter till dusk. 

"Maybe it's because their daughter is laughing more now."

"Laughing?" I pulled her down with my hands and started tickling her to take her mind off things.

"hahaha! Stop! hahaha! Stop brother."

My hands paralyzed for a second on hearing the word. 

"Heheheh! not fair!" 

Tears were starting to build upon her small eyes but at least, she was smiling now.

"Gold Ear...."

"I told you to call me Karna!" I said a little irritated now.

"Elder Karna. Are you going to participate?"


Participate in what?"

"You know the tournament that everyone's talking about.

Father was talking about it with Mama. Apparently, it is a celebration for the princes of the royal court. 

To celebrate their graduation from the Ashram.

They will demonstrate their skills and partake in a lot of battles amongst each other."

"If it's a demonstration for princes. 

Then how can I partake in it, Dummy?"

"Ow, Yes but in the end, there will be a short round where the generals and skilled soldiers of the kingdom will be given a chance to show their valour and the winner will be declared as the Champion."

You are amazing with Archery. You will go, right? You already live in Hastinapur."

"Maybe!!!" I said

"Really? Can I come?

Father and mother are not going.

Can you take me?

I am sure gold ear will easily become the Champion."

"I will not be returning, Pawani. 

Therefore I can't take you. You have to take care of your parents."


"Didn't you just say your parents were happy. Won't they feel sad if you leave them?"

"But I will feel sad if you leave Karna" This is only the second time she had called my name.

"Pawani you don't have to be sad. I will come to visit I promise."

"You promise?" Pawani said with a grudging voice.

"I promise," I thought.


Few days later........

In the morning, it was my time to leave. Even Pawani had woken up earlier than usual. She was holding my stuff in her hands. 

"Thank you for all your care all this time.

I am eternally obliged to you." 

"You don't have to worry about anything.

Thanks to you we are able to boost our crop and also got help around the house.

You don't owe us anything, Karna." The husband said

"Here is some food for you on your path." The wife (and mother) handed me the earthen plate that was wrapped around with a cloth. The smell was engraving. 

Then I lowered myself to half my height and looked at the little girl who was trying to hide her eyes from me.

"Pawani I have to go now.

Won't you see me to the door?"

"Will you come back?" The girl said in her sweet little whisper.

"Of course, I promised, didn't I.

A brave never breaks his vow."

She handed my stuff to me after giving me a hug. I left the village in the wake of dawn, pacing my heart for what was to come. 


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