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Yuyutsu helped me to my chariot. Jarasandh seemed to love attacking my legs, this was the second time I was limping after our fight. The white horse - youngest one of the two neighed as I leaned on him for support. His white silky mane turned wet red when I lifted by hand. Bali was still short for a full-fledged horse, but he was getting there. Catching up to his seniors and the most beautiful among all thanks to Shon and his cares.

"I know boy... " He snugged to me "I was scared too. Felt Like I would die."

Bali puffed. His hoofs struck the ground kicking up dust, Warm air leaving from nostrils. "Don't worry, we won. We are alive. Anga will stand tall as the second nation to defeat Magadh."

I patted his neck as he crept closer. Soon Bali will be able to wear the Anga's colors like all of his other brethren. They would suit him. Tangerine and white caparisons ornated with silver lining would look good on a white horse.

"Take care of Shon, will you?" I said. "After today I will be taking a long rest. Fuck Hastinapur for a while."

There were thumping behind me. The war was won. Battle ended. But the enemy was still here near my borders. Jarasandh towering over me came closer. He held a scroll in his hand. It was written recently. Right here in his tent.

"It seems the king is not the only one skilled here. Congratulations on defeating my army. Should've told me first that you've got a terrifying archer."

I didn't say anything. Those words just dumped me in a vortex. Ashwathama didn't just held off the attack. He repelled it? How? Even I'm not able to do that to Magadh without the use of celestials. But Anga was so close to proximity to use those. There was a mixed feeling like a gut punch. I was happy that Ashwatha has improved so much in so little time but there was a bitter taste on my tongue of being left behind. If Ashwathama is capable of doing this then he is not just stronger than me, he is stronger than my guru. Than all. Defeating an army as large as Magadh's without the use of Celestial weapons was no easy feat. It was unfathomable, but hey he was after all an immortal being. Nothing is impossible when you fight to exhaustion. To death.

Jarasandh handed me the scroll with his bulging vein hands.

"This is Malini's info. All of its mines of gold and the natural resources. It also has a dam holding a mighty river back. Do whatever you want with it. I would use it to control people. But...." He looked down on me. "I know you would be different. If not kind then at least not merciless."

"Thanks" I took the scroll, tilting my head. There were several other valuable resources and points mentioned other than what the Magadh King mentioned.

"It also establishes that you are due for a coronation when you get there. Show it to the priest there. He'll know what to do. I've already sent for a messenger."

"If it's so important and valuable then why are you passing it to me? Why not just some barren kingdom or a war-torn place you want to get rid of? It would be easy. I wouldn't object. I wouldn't even know. "

He smiled. Even after losing the war, a kingdom, and most important... his pride. A king like Jarsandh can smile, laugh even. 

"Grow up, boy! It's time to be a king. You can't be merciful all the time. It's a weakness."

"That weakness spared your life."

"Exactly!"  he met the eyes. "If you don't you will regret it one day. Kill the kind man you are now or it will be your downfall." He patted the neck of Bali. The horse didn't objected. In fact he seemed to enjoy the rub and scratch. 

Traitor!  isad in unheard words.

"I've already killed myself enough. I fear that more would just make me someone else. Something else."

Sootputra: The Unsung HeroWhere stories live. Discover now