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Shaking feet were enough of a problem, now there were people gathering all around the yagna area. I was thanking the soldiers that were holding them at bay but still to see so many people only for me was a little unnerving. Most were those who have visited for the food that will be given after. But a good portion we're here to see their new king. I haven't been the talk of the town at any point in my life except maybe at my birth when they must have seen a mysterious boy with golden armour and beads in his ears. Ever since that day, people tried to avoid me and I too kept my social circle as narrow as possible.

But now that was going to change. The crowd had encircled the whole area around the ceremonial yagna and the gate of the palace. Duryodhan was taking care of the crowd and only let a few at a time into the specified area in the garden for the food and gold distribution at the end of the ritual.

Heaps of gold and a couple of dozen plates of fruits on the silvery platter were laid out on the nearby table and more were still coming from the palace kitchen. Wondering how much wealth will be distributed today amongst the people was not helping in any way to make my mind come at ease.

The Anga looked beautiful when we saw it from the horizon as our horses approached the kingdom. The main road which we took was filled with shops and houses. The smell of hot and sweet snacks, the sound of hens and buffaloes, The cracklings of iron as the blacksmith hammered it in shape and the houses as they shimmered in the golden glitter of the rising sun was just gorgeous. We brush passed the slum areas, though my eyes did catch a house with a caved-in roof in there somewhere signifying that every kingdom has its flaws and room for improvement. But the highlight of it all was the palace. It wasn't as big as Hastinapur but my rest of the life was going to be spent here so My heart was neglecting to find any defects even if there were some. The white-blue marbles on the wall, big-polished staircases and three-floored structure was a little daunting at first but also exhilarating. My heart pumped on the very thought of living here.

Though I haven't seen the living space from the inside yet, my mind didn't make any expectations. At least I told it not to. Anything in a palace was already going to be better than a house in a village or an Ashram. My main worry was the throne room and the golden helmet laced with a blue gem in front, that was sitting right next to the pandit(priest), who was chanting and preparing for the Rajyabhishek(Crowning ritual). The blue gem felt like an eye that saw through my bluffing calm and concealed composure. It knew the fear coiling me due to it. It knew my legs were shaking because they were afraid to be crushed by the burden that was soon going to be bestowed on my head. The weight of the crown was so much that for a moment, the ground beneath it cracked and it sank in the earth like Sita did at her death but then the illusion went away and there it was again, staring at me with its single big blue eye.

My eyes lit with a little hope as Vrushali came and laid two plates in front of the pandit. One was filled with fruits and the other with the required ingredients and items for the ritual. It had a small golden empty bowl, a silver jug filled with water and a leaf on which the immolating items were laid on. My eyes looked at her, I'm sure she must have felt it as the pandit(priest) also started looking at me. But she didn't fret a look. She just did the step by step preparations as the pandit told her. I screamed inside to her to stop him. Do something, burn his dhoti or some such. But instead, She poured a little ghee in the bowl and handed it to me as per told.

My one hand was on the bowl and other tight on her wrist just to get her attention, for her to look at me just once. See how vulnerable I feel. I just need a reassuring face. A face that says I'm with you. A smile from anybody that says I have your back. But she didn't. After handing me the bowl she turned her face back and stood there. Perhaps she was enjoying this scenario. But it wasn't fun for me.

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