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“The food still tastes the best Maa.”

She was Sobbing.

There we go. She started crying again. She had not left my side ever since I returned from the tournament around noon. At first, she didn’t wanted to see me. I could understand how she felt. After all, I was the one who left without telling anyone. I became the cause of their pain for so many years. Don’t know how many nights Pita Adhirath and Mata Radha wept for me. Don’t know how much she prayed for my safety. She would’ve waited for me every night, made an extra plate for me every day, hoping that I would return today. But I broke her hope and betrayed her trust countless times. She is the mother who gave me everything but I am not the son she deserves.

After entering the house father left to call Shon and I was all alone with mother. I was hesitant at first of how I would meet my eyes with her. How would I explain everything?  I slowly walked towards the kitchen where she was hiding herself behind the curtain.


I could hear her squeaking a little. She was trying to hide her face. I got close and gently put my hands on her shoulder. She turned back.


I’m sorr….”

Her eyes were sore red. Her cheeks were wrinkled and she had started to get a few strands of white hair on her scalp. She was biting her lower lips, trying hard not to scream in agony. She had dark spots beneath her eyes. And her hands holding mine were shaking. They had started to get wrinkles on them.

“I was gone too long, wasn't I?

I’m sorry.”

“Vasu…. Vasusena.

Your real.”

“Yess ma!! I’m here. 

Your Vasu. 

Scold, beat me, do anything you want 

But please believe me.

Call me Vasu, your son.” Tears were jerking in my eyes.

Mother broke down on hearing those words. She bent on her knees and wept.  Her simple Saari soaked the falling tears. They will not stop today cause they were coming from a heart whose pain and loss has just lifted.

“My Son.

My Vasu is here.” Her eyes were glued on me. Her hands tightly clutching my own. Shivering. 

“Yess Maa!!

I’m here.

Your Vasu is here. 

And he is here to stay. 

I will never leave your side now. 


Hugs were the necessary requirement in these situations. Her weeping tears were enough to soak my top like a light drizzle. Her nose was flowing like that of a small child, But I was content because in all of that she was happy and smiling. I was afraid for naught.  Though I had caused so much trouble, this was my family, the family who will never betray me and from now on I will make sure that nothing ever harms them ever.

“Bhai!?” A slow familiar whisper shook my ear.

Shon was here with father. I turned but Maa was not letting my shirt go. She was still afraid of losing me. I felt good for some reason. I wanted to hug her more.

“Maa, Shon is here.


“Shon, your brother is finally here.

Sootputra: The Unsung HeroWhere stories live. Discover now