My Reward

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I turned, hiding my gaze, and started walking away. 

I never looked back, How could I? I knew I would break the instant I do. The misery in my eyes would be clear.

For the first time I felt vulnerable. Is this the moment that Guru Parshurama mentioned about? Is this the moment that I would forget all of his teachings and my skills?

It felt like so.

I didn't want to shed any tears. I just wanted to walk away from all of this as soon as possible. I didn't even look back at her.

Was she happy? Was she sad as me?

No, How could she be sad? She was the one who rejected me. She was the one who chose him.

It was all a fake. All the words yesterday. All the feelings, it was all fake. She didn't even like me, let alone love. She always viewed me through that narrow slit of status like all. She just played with my feelings and threw them away as soon as they got unnecessary.

How can I be this foolish? How can I walk straight into her trap? I never even questioned or argued when the king provoked me to take part as a candidate. I never should've let this icy stone of a heart melt like a wax. But I couldn't stop when it did. Where was my thinking, my reasoning at that time? Did I lose it all or forsake it all for her?

I walked towards Duryodhana crossing the fish on the floor struck by the Brahmin. It was still flailing, even though an arrow had just pierced it through.

I stood beside Duryodhana's chair and took my place behind him as before.

The Brahmin and she was Draupadi ...........Someone else's Draupadi.

They both came closer to the King and bowed down to take his blessings.

Suddenly, Duryodhana stood up. He placed his hands on my shoulder and shook his head a little in approval. It stumped me; I had an intuition about what he would do. But I didn't have the courage to stop him, or maybe I didn't want to.

"KING DRUPAD!!!!" He shouted while looking at my face.

"Is this the justice of your kingdom? Is this how a king and a suitor is treated under your care?

My friend is more than capable for this test." His hands were pointing at me.

"In fact, he is more credible than anyone here, that includes even me for your daughter's hand. Yet you still deny him. Not only that, but your ignorant daughter here even undermined him. She who can't even raise a needle, let alone a bow is talking about the prowess of a warrior.

He has surpassed even harder obstacles than this in his life. He has the strength to beat King Jarasandha. He has even subdued grand archer Arjuna's Arrow in front of my eyes. Do you think this puny test is even worthy of his efforts?

Yet you insult him in front of so many, by not calling him King. He is more of a King than anyone else in this room, Even Jarasandha, Even you, Even that magician Krishna." Duryodhana said with thunder, looking at everyone in the hall, especially at Keshav.

No one retaliated. Not Jarasandha, not Drupad, not even Keshav himself. It was strange for him to stay quiet. In fact, he even smiled when Duryodhana roared.

I, yet again, was more indebted to him than anyone. That day the height of his friendship reached my heart not because of what he said but because of what he did. My respect and my view of him as my genuine friend deepened.

Everyone else was silent, only the echo of Duryodhana's voice bounced off the walls. Then the King stood up and bowed with his hands joined.

"Forgive me, Prince Duryodhana, and Forgive me Angraja. I didn't mean to offend you or your friend.

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