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I didn't even know when the situation escalated so quickly. A few moments ago we were standing in the halls of the small swayamvar in the palace of Kalinga, famous kings like Jayadratha, Sisupal, and even Jarasandh were there. But now instead of attending the swayamvar they were all chasing us in their chariots with blood in their eyes.

I don't know what came over on Duryodhan when he abducted Bhanumati, the princess of Kalinga. He should've just gracefully accepted her rejection, but he forced her to flee with him. I could still see her struggling over on the other chariot.

But there was no time to lose, others were closing in and Sisupal was leading the chase.

"Shon, a little faster. Just don't overtake Duryodhan." Shon nodded, slightly.

I took the spear in my chariot and threw it on one horse in Sisupal's. It went flying, piercing the air, and struck the poor animal. It neighed and fell down. The abruption worked as Sisupal tumbled and struck a tree.

Duryodhana must have seen it too. He was now increasing the distance between us, taking full advantage of the minor distraction. But this unimportant thing wouldn't work. Those kings didn't care about Sisupal. They cared about the insult dealt to them. My hand gripped on the bow, I imbued an elemental spell and multiplied my arrows to several others in mid-air. The arrows struck the ground; they created a brief tremor; it shook a little and then rose abruptly like a wall of dirt, stopping their movements. It was enough for most of the pursuers, except one.

"Jarasandha!" Shon yelled looking.

"Shon! Slow down a little. Get me closer to him."

Jarasandha, The King of Magadh. He had smashed the mud wall with his mace and made a path through for himself. Others were still not following despite there a hole in the enormous wall that had flashed in front of them. I didn't know what had grabbed them but whatever it was, it had no effect on Jarasandha who was pulsing with rage.

"Let's go Bali," Shon yelled as he whipped the reigns around the horse.

Jarasandha's chariot was a heavy one, the sound of four horses hoofing, thumping the ground as they heaved it to top speed filled vibrated in the air. They were not just pulling the chariot, Jarasandh himself was a heavy-muscled guy. He had stashed maces, heavy bow, blunt weapons, and a scythe-like weapon on his shoulders.

His aura of rage and power was so much that it even reached me on this chariot. I won't get many chances with him. The chanted arrow was ready, and it flew slicing through the air and struck the chariot. The power should've destroyed a normal school with ease, but his one still ran like nothing had happened. It went through his charioteer. He died on the spot. The rushing air dust seemed to choke me. We had left the grassy plains and now were running on the near-dead land.

Jarasandh picked up the pace. He kicked his chariot to the sides and was now both the driver and the attacker. He threw arrows in retaliation. One had to be impressed by his resolve. He was controlling the horses and also fighting at the same time.

"I will kill you, meager king." He shouted.

The arrows were zipping past me but I couldn't let them through or they hurt Shon or the horses. So, I just cut them in the air.

But he wasn't just aiming for me or the horses. I suddenly felt a speed bump. Jarasandha was using elementals too. He had imbued the arrows with earth and was shooting them like heavy rocks. He couldn't land a hit on me, so he was aiming for the speeding vehicle.

"No, you won't," I said as I laid an arrow in his shoulder. "Turn back, this will be the only warning I'll give.

Don't let it go to waste."

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