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We both were ready to leave on the journey as soon as possible. For me the feeling was mixed. I was overall excited about the journey and becoming a king but was also scared of the things that will come after that. In my life I always had people take care of me, and I have only ever cared for my needs and my family. To run and manage a kingdom was a daunting task, One for which I don’t know if I was ready. The uncertainty of the future scared and jolted me at the same time. 

The footsteps were getting louder. The Door to the room has just flunked open. It was Duryodhan at the other end. 

“So ready my friend?” 

He was wearing a blue golden scarf around his neck and his stubble was groomed this morning.  His hair glistened at the slightest hints of shine on them. It felt like it was his crowning, not mine. 

“Here, I have brought you some of my clothes. ”

He threw a dozen or so of scarfs and various designed dhotis on the bed. The plethora of designs which I haven’t ever seen before. Choose one and get ready, he said.

“I can’t, friend.” 


It was a little hard to explain to him the predicament I was feeling. I didn’t know if my words will reach his heart or if he will even be able to understand the situation from a low-born’s point of view.

“Friend, I was just a Sootputra till yesterday. My whole life I have been. 

I don’t know if I am ready to be a king or not but if I have to be then I would be myself. 

I don’t want to change so drastically that I forget where I came from. 

I don’t want this palace, this money and power to overwhelm me. 

A King I am then a low born king I will be.”

Duryodhan Pressed his head and sat on the chair. After a sigh breath, he spoke.

“Karna, I know what you are saying and I get that but this world doesn’t. 

They only understand a warrior, a strong individual. 

Therefore you have to be that warrior. That strong person.

You have to understand that now you are not a soot anymore. 

And I know that you didn’t ask to be a King.

But you are now.

So it’s your responsibility to act like one, dress like one,

Be like one.”

His words struck a chord. He was right. If a king is not acknowledged by his people then he is not a king at all. 

“Fine, you are right.

But I won’t wear any jewelry.”

“You don’t have to,” Duryodhan said.

“You already have that Armor and kundals.

You don’t need any. 

Just keep them on and you’ll be good to go.”


We were both standing in the corridors waiting for the confirmation that the chariots have been prepped and ready to go. As requested I had worn the clothes offered by him.

The white scarf and gold layered dhoti was not something a mere boy like me gets to wear on a daily basis. Its silky softness was like a baby. Totally different from the clothes I was just wearing a moment ago. I guess this was going to get a fairly bit regular from now on. I had in my guts made a rule that no matter what I will try to be as normal and as simple as I am now, so as to not get carried away in the charms and illusions of this royal life. But I didn’t know if I would be able to sustain that rule. Only time could be my witness on that subject.

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