The Last Clash

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Sootputra: Unsung Hero

Chapter 5: The final clash

Another clash happened today. My everyday practice of skills and mantras has turned into a gruesome and brutal beating I receive at the end of the day whenever we fight. Every night I greet the bed with my noodle legs, endless burning bruises and jolt like pain in my body. Sometimes I don't even remember how I got into the bed. I have been so close many times but Acharya had countered every attack at the last possible moment.  Sometimes it feels that he enjoys letting me get close just to see my frustrated face in defeat right after. Though I can sense he is taking every fight seriously now. Every swing, every punch is stronger than before. He is not holding back and I won't give him a chance to. He often praises me for pushing him back and cornering him but that offers no solace. In the end, he just smirks as a bully does. I hate that smile. It, in turn, infuriates my guts. My swollen fists itch to subdue him in the next brawl no matter what. I have tried each and everything, yet to no avail.

"You seem a little different, today?" Acharya says while getting ready with his stance. 

"I feel different. 

Don't hold anything back!" I replied.

"Oh, I won't.

Be ready." Acharya says while jumping.

We both started with our bare fists without any weapons in hand. Our hands clutches. Fists hardened like steel in all these years. Punches meet each other in the middle. Backing away, dodging, and attacking all in just seconds. None of us can even blink or we will lose sight of the other guy, and that will be bad! Very Bad! I move between his punches. Sometimes under, sometimes jumping over his kicks. But he doesn't dodges any of mine. The brute just grabs my arm and throws me away like a sack. Everything becomes so blurry, I can't focus on anything except on him or I will lose this time too. Our movement increases with every move we make. We were fighting at speeds where even the air feels water thick as we move through it. 

Finally, we both stopped, as if by mutual understanding Acharya, backed away. We both were trying to catch our breaths. The sweat was falling down along with a few drops of blood, He managed to land a few hits whereas I just barely touched him. He picked two swords from the stand and threw one at my feet. The blades were polished by me yesterday. They were sharp even to cut with a glance. They felt familiar, they were my friends. I readied my stance. Even though the intent of killing was missing from the battle, but even a single mistake could cause any one of us our lives. Acharya moves from a neutral stance to offensive, He attacks with resonance. His single strike becomes three, surrounding my neck from three sides. I managed to block in the nick of time. Being always on the defence won't work on him. I had to up my game, I too took an offensive stance and jumped on from his sides. Acharya ducked to avoid my attack, but then I used my kick to make him lose his balance. Instead of blocking or grabbing as any normal sane person would do, he kicks it back. His kick is like a falling boulder on my leg. I roll down backwards before stopping with my bleeding knees on the ground. 

How is he doing that, how is he able to read my every move before I can even use them? 

Then it struck me!! How can I be such a fool!? In all these years of my training and our clashes, he has beaten me so many times. Of course, he knows my moves, He knows how I think. He is in my mind. He knows I'm predictable, and all the while he hasn't used any of his own moves instead opting for unorthodox ones to make himself unpredictable. I've to change my game If I ever hope to beat him. 

Stop thinking about what you're going to do! 

The difference was noticeable. The Acharya was on his back foot. Even though I couldn't land a solid hit, the satisfaction of him being on the defensive gave me more than needed motivation. But his blocks are too strong and reach in all directions. I imbued my sword with thunder and used all my force to strike from forward. The old man saw the blue luminous blade coming. He diverted all of his focus and defence towards the attack. The plan worked, the chance was perfect. Another sword strike came from the back and stopped just before his adam's apple. Acharya started smiling. He dropped his sword and conceded defeat.

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